Just allow me to talk about my day, there was a lot of K-stuff so it’ll be relevant – sorta!
Today was one of those days, you know when you have this massive plan, written out in my diary. Usually I actually get at least half of what needs doing done.
Uh. Today was just not that day. And it’s not like I didn’t try, but I was in a lot of pain, drifting in and out of sleep. Just being a living zombie would be a kind way of putting it -.-
But before all of that I woke up in a really #motivated mood! Listened to an Iyagi lesson (the ones from talktomeinkorean.com) almost 5 times, I really adore 최경은’s cute voice so it doesn’t seem tedious or anything like that.
And the subject was super fun to listen to, as a girl myself I could easily relate to the topic at hand. Since I’m pretty much like tjat myself i can relate to everything in the podcast.
Haha, but after a while I started to read the transcript (think after 2-4 listens) which helped me pick up a few expressions, words, grammar etc. that I didn’t know about. 🙂
Now I’m still on ttmik products/podcasts I dont know why but it’s far more convenient to use my phone to study than a textbook, with a textbook I’d have to be at my desk to take notes, and I’m really not in tip-top-health to be sitting for hours and taking notes.
JUST NO. >_<
Sofa+ earphones+ podcasts+ PDF+ internet connection = simple, comfortable and convenient studying 😉
How was your day? 읽기주셔서 많이 감사합니다
xxxx Kirsten ♥