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Oh my. This blog is becoming a place for me to whine when I need an outlet :/ but it’s my only one, and I’ll assume you don’t mind ^^

Title say’s it all. There are things I want to do, and there are things that I have to do! >_<

I can’t do everything at once, or even multitask well. I have to learn to prioritize, and I don’t mean the “I like doing this so this needs doing” kind of prioritizing 🙁

I mean hardcore, this is my life I’m messing with here every time I procrastinate and decide that staring at a book that baffles me.

That is no longer an option, I need to work with what I got. And what I got right now isn’t really that much.

Limited time, so studying Korean (and a teeny bit of Japanese) is limited to when I have my cellphone in a que in the shopping market. Or when I’m waiting in the car for my Mum, even then, my Mum can take a solid 30min sometimes so I should rather take Pre-Calculus/ or some governmental studies.

My time is too precious, and time moves too fast when you’re having fun, so I don’t have the luxury to waste it at the moment.

I don’t want to whine about the things I have to do, so for today, I am hitting the /Ctrl button in my mind and I’ll shut up about my long list of duties. 

I kinda need to find stuff that allows me to get maximum learning. Facebook is cool, if you have your 3G on when you’re out and about, I actually never do, it’s a little pricey.

Guess it’s regular textbooks, some odd PDFs from TTMIK/ or KClass101 and my study guides for all the other stuff during commutes, and waiting in the car for my Mum 🙂

By the way, I’m enjoying Twilight just in case anyone was wondering- yeah I know you weren’t but I just wanted to tell you ^^ 

Bet ya surprised I didn’t bitterly complain? 🙂

Have a good day,


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