Looking at my digital

I feel a little iffy today, I want to study, but I also want to just sit and watch an interesting documentary that’s playing right now.

Uhg. Why do I have no sense of what is best to do? :/ I’m a confusing mess who needs to loose 7kg. 

Either way, before my phone dies on me I’m reading some old digital notes I have written ^^

Old grammar I studied :).

I’m really pleased that despite having never really used this grammar in anything, I will tonight though, but I still understand and know how it would work in my mind 🙂

It’s cool. HAPPY

Lets me know my retention of information isn’t really that bad, I’ll go look at more old notes now ^^ 그럼 안녕 여러분 ….다음에 봐요. 좋은 하루 보내세요 ♡

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