That doesn’t make sense- well, I need to get back to studying Korean again…
I won’t lie I haven’t been studying in a while, I’m just so tired with everything else that I have no energy to devote to language when I’m not in the “mood” for it :/
But if I don’t get back into studying I’m petrified out of my mind that I’ll forget everything I know because I am not using it really, listening to kpop doesn’t count since it’s the same words over and over again, no development :p
That’s a nightmare I don’t want to live. And believe me, forgetting grammar is in fact a bloody nightmare lmao..~!!
I’m actually waiting on a couple of books to help me be more motivated, but for now I’ll use my current stack of unfinished textbooks (not Ewha it’s irritating me right now, sorry)
I love Yonsei reading, so that will be fine for today, I love KGIU the Intermediate book, so again I’ll use that, and as usual I need to practice my writing, and I’m waiting on a book I ordered on Amazon to arrive to help me with that ^^
Also, I want to buy one new book, can’t afford to buy more than one this month ㅠㅠ
~care what drama I’m into these days? 🙂
Loving The Three Musketeers – waiting to watch the 4th episode and it’s really awesome! <3 I’m thinking about starting another drama, to watch totally unsubbed because subtitles are actually beginning to upset me these days ROFL.
Anyone know if “It’s Okay It’s Love” is any good? Also anyone seen “Secret Hotel” those seem like good options, one has a murder lol
how much fun will that be???????? curiously going to try and find it out <3
I can definitely recommend ‘it’s okay that’s love’. i think one of the best dramas of this year. prepare some tissues though 🙂
Oh really? thanks, I’ll really watch it soon <3 and omg crying is expected? I'm a big crier when it comes to dramas so I'll need a lot of tissues 😛