Dim light on my monitor screen is the order of the day for me! My one eye is killing me and I am far too lazy to look for my glasses 헐 so my only option was to dim the light to (zero) which is nice and light-less and my eye does not hurt.

I got a new textbook today 🙂


KOREAN COMPOSITION ^^ a long overdue book, we all know my writing ability sucks and I figured a compositions book should give me some “topic” inspiration. I mean I always “want” to say something, but somehow I never get around to it, it always seems like such a tedious and stress inducing task.

I don’t want it to be like that! so tonight I’ll 1) look at this textbook, reading the preface/introduction (which I actually have already done) 2) I need to complete the first chapter of exercises and post on lang-8 or just here on the blog ^^ 3) HAVE FUN. That is truly the one thing I need to do xD


So far though I really like the book, based on the Preface/Introduction, the 소개 chapter, which surprisingly has a lot of words that I don’t know -__- need to study more so that things like that don’t pop up…

I’m really hoping that effort + this book will improve my writing ability, expressing myself in English is an absolute breeze, obviously it’s my native language, but in Korean it’s so killer painful even after all this time it’s beginning to upset me.


I’m also waiting on other books (taking their sweet time to arrive btw) and one that hasn’t shipped, and one that was shipped this morning! ^^ Korean Grammar In Use (Beginning) – it might help just in case I’ve missed something over the years (: plus I like having a set, I’m weird that way.

And others.

However, let’s stick with the first step ~ practice writing hardcore, all day, and if I start updating this blog at 4am in the morning (GMT +2 of course) with Hangul posts, then please be happy for me, means I have something going on in my mind hehe xD

How are your studies going these days? ^^ haven’t really been asking been too stressed out, and tired? Hope everyone is keeping healthy 🙂 leave a comment :p 



    1. It is something useful to have xD haha you seem a little like me, if it looks useful then it must be purchased lol xD thanks for the comment, I visited you’re blog 😉 really LIKE <3 hope to see you around more! ^^

  1. OMG NEW BOOKS ALWAYS LOOK AMAZING! I might be buying some soon. I want to get books that focus on 1 or 2 areas instead of a comprehensive book. I was thinking about Yonsei reading, writing, listening and speaking for beginners. Anyway, let me know how the book is 🙂

    1. HAHA, IKR!! ^^ Oh wow, that’s cool, and I think that isn’t a bad idea, sometimes comprehensive books can irritate when you just want to focus on one particular area, but aren’t they necessary? (: I like Yonsei so I think you should get it. And yes, I’ll review the book when I’m sorta half way xD

      PS: that could take some time lol <3

      1. I love comprehensive books but I feel like sometimes I need to focus on one area. I might finish books quicker too 🙂 And after doing research it’s not Yonsei that makes those, it’s Korean Language Institute ㅎㅎㅎ 바보야! But even if you take forever to get half way through, I’d still wait patiently for you to do the review 🙂 화이팅! ^^

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