I’ve forgotten how to be “that” person.

Whadup? ^^ Well, when last did I update anything with anything?

Been too long a while if you want to know my opinion. eek.

I looked at my past 10 posts just an hour ago ~ and I realised (not that I didn’t already know this) but I haven’t posted anything useful, wasn’t even useful to me lol … unless you call an account of my business useful, no? then yeah you’re just like me (:

We’re on the right track guys (:

I don’t apologise for it though, because honestly I was going through a lot in terms of being flipping stressed out and stuff like that, and I honestly had little to no time to focus on anything other than my studies.

You got to prioritise when things get …well…when life gets the way it does, I can’t stick my nose in one of my k-textbooks for hours on end till 1am – no matter how much I want to, that exam at 10am comes first. It just has to.

But… I wrote my final exam this morning so, I just got essays to write (not difficult for me, I looove to write and tell long, and sometimes tedious stories) and that’s fun in it’s own so no troubles there :3

I do have one major issue though, I basically have forgotten how to be “me” ?? if that makes no sense to you I don’t blame you, I can barely explain it to myself. I mean I used to know how to study Korean, but it’s been like a month now – NO NEW CONTENT – just revision and I’m not really certain where to BEGIN.

Cute little conundrum isn’t it? do.not.say.yes..being.sarcastic

I feel like I should just dive right into the books I haven’t even looked at, but then, I think to myself “lol which one? And what if it’s a little hard? Might de-motivate you? No?”   It’s a really weird thing, so, I’m confused, I know I have to figure it out, and having more than one hobby obsession doesn’t help, I land up just doing something else.

It’s only been one day of freedom (smells good lol) but the sooner I figure out how to study again, the better, if I leave it too long then – who knows, might just forget all together. Highly unlikely, but you never know.

Anything can happen. ^^; with me anyway, I’m just one of those people, weird stuff happens to me!!!

#peace and #quiet to help me solve my problems (:

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