I’ve probably been the worst when it comes to learning recently, I’ve said it too many a time.

I hope this will be the last I whine about not being diligent or being tired 😐 I mean I’ll at least make more of an effort now ㅎㅎㅎ

But not just yet still have unfinished business left hahaha 🙂

한국어 공부를 진짜 열심히 할게요 ㅋㅋ 여러분들 부탁드립니다 ^°^ 필요합니다 ~ 고맙습니다 ~^=^

I will seriously need to re-focus on writing ugh ㅠㅠ

좋은 하루 되세요 / 땡큐 땡큐!!!!


  1. What is one thing you really WANT to do, no matter how frivolous. Not the “should” list. What thing related to Korean language makes you excited? What has got your blood pumping in the past about learning? When were you learning and everything just felt right because you were passionately connected?

    1. Grammar, no what, no matter how much I had to do, I always had time for grammar, it made me happy. If I was sad, looking at grammar, making sentences and looking stuff up would make me happy 🙂 ALWAYS GRAMMAR.

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