Hey guys ^^ in line with thinking back to when I first started learning I just want to go down memory lane a little, and just think real hard about what made my heart beat, what gave me undying motivation to keep going 🙂
And also maybe I’ll mention some of the stuff that used to kill my motivation! (^=^)
So yeah, I started studying in 2011 (I think) and at that time the one thing/activity that made me feel like I was making progress was grammar and vocabulary.
Knowing new words, and new sentence patterns and endings to me meant I was one more step to fluency, or anything close to it xD
In the earliest of stages you really see anything as progress, I saw understanding the difference between 누구 and 누가 as something, believe me that was some seriously complex shit at the time, for me anyway haha.
I can clearly recall my excitement at learning -고 싶다 / to me I was like OMG I can now say I want something. Woo-hoo!!!! 🙂
How cool is that, and each time Iearnt a new grammar I felt that much more excitement xD really it’s only a fellow language learner that can understand the joy in learning something new in your target language (:
Honestly the least enjoyable bit for me both then and now is reading content that isn’t from a textbook, or a leaaon of some form or other. Another is writing, but the thing is I love to write, in English, my target language is not so hunky-dory, but y’all know that.
Summed up version?
Grammar and vocab make my heart flutter, reading makes me nervous, talking scares the crap out of me, and writing is the devil for me. She just be like “I hate youuu”
Haha. Guess just do what I love.
Let’s go :3
I’m the same way with all my languages, although learning vocabulary is actually not that fun for me. Learning the grammar structures is my absolute favorite. How did you make vocabulary acq fun? (For example I know we both love to copy down sample sentences and usages, etc. in our notebooks)
I’m not sure how I do it, I guess i just always associate with fluency, and it got in-build in my mind maybe that the more vocab I know the more fluent I can be!!! ^^ I actually also make sentences in English that I always want to say and look up words for it in Korean, there, new words learnt and now I can say the sentence I want, pop it on lang-8 and see if it’s colloquial and if not learn the words from the corrections (: Yes your right we both do that 🙂 although lately I just haven’t had the energy to do it at all, feel like I’ve hit a plateau and that never helps my progress 🙁
Plateaus are not really there, just remember that! We create them! Have a cup of coffee or a nap and try again from a different angle
Best advice ever thank you. I never think of it like that bit now it makes sense!!!! ^^ that’s the issue though, things aren’t seen till someone points it out xD
I started in March 2014. I made a mistake putting 가 instead of 를 today while chatting. Believe me, for beginners this is complex!
It was easier in the very start when I didn’t have the knowledge to make sentences. Now I know just enough to make simple sentences in a few tenses, but that just puts more pressure on me while I am chatting on Kaokotalk.
Chulmoon, who has been with me these past 9 months, gave me a pat on the head for using the Korean word for squirrel today. Remember when just know a noun got you a gold star? Haha. I bet you expect a lot more than that from yourself now.
Yeah i do actually, one of the main reasons why I am not really happy about my learning at the moment, I’m in learners depression mode, combined with other stressful life stuff. But mostly learners depression, I expect so much more and this “more” that I feel I should be achieving seems almost unattainable right now. Which is hella depressing. T_T guess you gotta just pick yourself up right?!!!