Woah. I never use slang/ or urban language ever (: I’m like a total language nerd in that department, as in, I cannot stand it when in speech someone goes ahead and defaces the English language. That just isn’t right. I did however just deface the English language in my post title 🙂 I shall be forgiven right? It’s my last year as a teenager haha.

So I read the comment made my Christopher Huff @ selfstudying.wordpress.com on my previous post (I think!) and I mentioned how I have a plateau, which I hate, and which frustrates me to no end. Basically, because of my perceived language plateau I never feel like studying, which results in NO PROGRESS made. (apart from weight gain and brain slush increase ugh) and he just mentioned that plateaus are something we create, they are not real at all, put simply its imaginary, in our silly minds that make us believe there is no progress in our studies.

I really appreciated this comment because a lot of the time I never think like this : no re-phrase, not a lot of the time, more like all the time. I never think this way, so the wake-up call made me really look at everything from a new angle. And just in case there is more like me just want you all to remember this 🙂 that’s the entire purpose of this post. To thank someone for making me see something that really was in front of me, and to remind us all of this.

By the way just to get this out here : I’m back for good till something takes me away. This time it was a MacBeth essay.

I somehow could not let it go without it being perfect, all 20+ pages of that thing. Ohmyword it’s finally done woohoo now time for all the other things I didn’t have time for.


Vague as hell but I really have a lot of other stuff I want to do ; including pondering what I’m getting for my birthday, I’m a birthday person, and mine is in 6 DAYS. Then Christmas. ♥




  1. Super happy to help you! I love reading about your progress and in particular seeing your notebooks (if you recall my first ever comment on your site longggg ago)!

    加油, 頑張って、 화이팅!

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