If anyone spotted the word-play with the CNBLUE album Re:Blue I love you 🙂 *hug* let’s be friends? ^^
Well, since I can’t delay the issue forever I decided to start mission : find out how much Korean skill I’ve lost while I have been studying for exams and writing English papers!! and to pick a nice round number I think 15-20% of everything I learnt in the weeks leading up to my little mini-break is completely gone.
What are you going to do about this?
I hate going backwards in anything so I’m not going to actively go back to where I last remember, as in, I left off with the TOPIK book (the Essential 150 grammar one) on page 27 I think, but I only really understand, or rather remember the information till page 18-19! :/ and I won’t be going back. If I need something or come across what I don’t remember or don’t understand you know the drill for me, I’ll look it up and learn it. But I won’t actively go backwards in my book.
Those who have gotten to know me must have noticed if I feel like I’m going backwards I get very very frustrated and angry about it all. Loose motivation ㅠㅠ and just do nothing.
Onto the log for today (: because I cant just tell you how much info I don’t remember, I’d like to tell you what I did today in the re:acquire department xD
I felt like trying something new so I searched through my massive load of PDF files on my laptop, all the Korean related stuff, you know how the collection is hehe, and I found so many of the talktomeinkorean “Natural Talks” videos and a few of the transcripts I have, so I just watched them over and over again.
Learning vocab, remembering old grammar, more particularly I got to re-immerse myself in sentence pattern. Not that I forgot ohmygoodness no not at all, that would be a flipping disaster D: but just hearing spoken Korean in natural speed and natural form/context really just made everything better.
AND I FINALLY TOOK NOTES! ^^ which was fun, I’ve decided to use pink, black, and green ink now. Those colours are really calming to me lately, and I have been embellishing my notebook with the Korean stickers I bought on ttmik store mykoreanstore.com (stickers) ;they add some much needed pretty I’ll link you to them if you want them, and if you got them how do you like them? 🙂
I stick them everywhere ♥
Now I’ll get reading with the transcript and maybe a 만화 in front of the TV
Probably also get lost on Naver, in the comments section and I’ll try out Soompi (they still exist right, please say yes) because I’m on the hunt for a new drama to watch. I have the time, and it’ll be good practice.