Yesterday being the first I really wanted to study with something that would be entertaining ; and of course beneficial to my studies and what does that usually equal to? K-pop! Do not misunderstand, I didn’t sit out around listening to K-POP calling it “passive learning” (:

I decided to read K-pop articles on Naver ~ what is better than sitting around reading 연예 뉴스!! ^^ perfect match of keeping up with K-pop idols and learning AWESOME!! 🙂

The article I read/translated was 애프터스쿨 측 “주연 AS 졸업..향후 개인활동 예정”[공식입장] I’m not really an Afterschool fan beyond liking Nana (gorgeous) but my sister being a fan just made me noticed the word “졸업” and I was like “what? Someone is graduating from Afterschool? Please not Nana” My wish came true xD

But onto the actual studying and pictures yay 😀


The MOST colourful and lively notes so far this year, I’m hoping to keep this us, I managed to last year until about July (ooh last year! seems so official) but honestly though, these are the notes I had done till about 11am yesterday, I usually used a pink highlighter before but it looked nauseating so I stuck with NEON ^^ which is just as silly looking, wish I could get something pastel and light looking, yet effective. I think I’ll check out for that <3

Despite how much fun translating is, I always get mixed up I’ve noticed. With the article I saw the line : 주연이 그룹 애프터스쿨에서 졸업, 홀로서기에 나선다.  and when you don’t use Asian-language logic that line will never make much sense to you, direct translations never work in Korean, well, most times, which is almost half the beauty really. You have to think of what it means, the whole, and not what the individual words mean, and what the grammar/ending conveys. That doesn’t work, and rightfully so, if everything was like that it wouldn’t help that much with learning anyway would it. Probably not. For all I know I didn’t get it right either haha xD

I think thats what I like about translating and reading. Can’t do it with half of your brain 🙂 and why would you want to anyway? ^^


PicMonkey Collage

I’ve been using Hi-Tec-C Maica pens to write my notes, mainly because I love the colours xD I’m a vibrant personality (I get dark too seriously dude I do) but most times I’ll prefer something bright hehe. And I stopped studying at like lunchtime because my cat Midnight decided she’d like to have a nap on my laptop ^^;; although it sounds like an excuse it really isn’t. I have never been able to wake up/ or just move her when she’s lying on anything. Even me when I need to go somewhere lol.

Well, this my first day of 2015 studying Korean complete 🙂 day two today and I’m thinking of what to do actually, I’m thinking of what I’ll be focusing on this year, last year was grammar and reading and the grammar improved but the reading eek my goodness did not. I can read, but I can’t do it without a crunch, which is fine by me, we all need to start somewhere.

xoxo 😉


  1. I love using a lot of different colour pens and highlights for study too. They make the language journey more interesting and attractive. It’s good to start a new day of a new year by translating news. ^^

    1. Haha it’s a load of fun, glad I’m not the only one :3 They really do because boring ole blue and black ink is insanely boring T^T it really is good to start with news, feels like a step in the right direction for the whole year 😀 and happy new year to you

  2. Translating is so fun, but also so щ(゚Д゚`щ) because meanings are almost never literal and just when you think you know a word you find out about another two ways it’s used. It’s so great, haha. This year, I’m hoping to take many more notes to fill up some notebooks and add to the #공스타그램 tag on IG. Many of the pictures are by people studying for tests or have a goal to do in a certain number of days. I’m aiming for 1000 hours of study by the end of the year. Passive and active, but mainly active.

    1. But the lack of literal meanings is so much fun lol gets the brain working kind of like 20minutes of ab exercise ~ I get the same feeling hahaha :p It really is great. Oooh ~ I wish you all the best on your #공스타그램 and note taking, and 1000hours of studying, thats a lot and I probably will never achieve that lol but fighting for you!!!!! ^(^_^)^

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