Good morning ^^ I actually haven’t slept yet which is really unlike me (lately) and its unhealthy. And I’m on this healthy lifestyle thing (– exercise and sleeping at 10pm latest) which gives me so much energy…but not the point to the article so bleh bleh bleh /shut it/
I pretty much got nothing to do today, and after signing up for Goodreads earlier this morning (at like 3:45am) I feel like reading not just English but a pretty 한국어 소설 ~ not the hard ones though! I have no energy for those right now, its either between the 세상에 너를 소리쳐! (which i don’t like actually) or the lovely and whimsical 미남이 시네요 (which had Yonghwa in it ♡♡) so obviously I’ll take the second option.
ITS GOT BIAS SOOOOO ♡♡♡♡ bias always wins in these situations 😀

It’s going to be hard to take it out of the bag. I am so serious about that, when it comes to un-packaging I’m really excited, initially, but if I leave it for some time it becomes almost painful to open and I rather just leave it. But after reading the preview on 밴디엔루니스/ or G마켓 I really really, omg really really desperately want to read this book.
드라마보다 더 재밌보여요 🙂 and I just have to read it, that drama made me laugh a billion times. I still wanted to strangle Park Shin-hye though. I just hope I understand it, and if I don’t another book to my reading list. I actually made a challenge of reading 50 books in the year 2015 when I joined Goodreads ^^ and I intend to see it through and read 50 books. English, Korean, textbooks, anything, as long as it’s all read to the very LAST page! ^^
But this time actually get it all done. Even with my painful finger (yeah. painful finger can barely type let alone write uh)
Before I forget if anyone has Goodreads please add me ^^ I currently have two friends so far 🙂 ♡♡ Just click the glizty Goodreads banner below and add me ^^ link below too xD
There are a novel about You’re Beautiful ?? That awesome
Yes there is! 🙂