Afternoon! (it’s afternoon here at the moment) ~ I haven’t updated in a whole week. Oh my goooooooodness, I didn’t even feel the time flying by y’all.
Previously in my last post I was reading 미남이시네요 the novel, and I’m now at the end of chapter 2!!!! Yas, I am progressing in a book, written in Korean, that’s a novel. Yes, that was a long way of saying :
Progress. Finally, and the good kind not the haIR yanking, blood pressure inducing kind.
Butttt…I stopped reading that book though like three days ago, I got a little deep with my Facebook stalking (~ long story short? My mum had a visit from someone who was basically my first friend when moved here in 2005. Realized I didn’t know his surname and embarked on dramatic mission to figure it out. Not long at all) don’t judge me. I know I could have asked but didn’t think about it. Which just meant I wasn’t concentrating on reading more like “what the hell is the name” :/
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ♡ 아무래도 이제 알아서 괜찮아요. 다시 한국어 읽기 잘 될거에요. Well I already started after I figured the surname out, on Friday night :p
During study. Sentence making and I was looking up words 점점 줄다 to name but a few. I took a video but uploading is a pain so eek :/
But I do love reading now, it isn’t as hard as I was making it out to be. News articles, tweets, anything really at the moment, I just seem to have improved on my reading.
I think all the jigsaw puzzle prices, all I’ve been learning in the last few years is drawing together, helping me understand xD
How awesome??? [°°^=^°°] well hope everyone has been enjoying their studies? Anything new? Leave a comment 🙂
Ahh good for you! I need to start my Korean diary back up, but I have been so busy with grad school, work, and reading that I am usually not in the mood to study alone at home. I really need to keep it up with the momentum I had last week, but it might just come in spurts or when I have time at work.
Thank you! ^^ and really I feel your pain, lately I barely leave my house (i’m basically on vacation for a couple of weeks still) and momentum is hard regardless -__- I guess we just need simple reminders. We have to study. Good luck to you too <3
I’ve always found that reading sentences that weren’t part of any lessons I was learning is a scary part of learning. It makes me try learn more and it’s challenging in a different way than learning from lessons is. I’ve really enjoyed trying to read more Korean because it does seem to help me make more of my own sentences. And I think that is the hardest part, making sentences, because I’m bound to mess up and that’s always the scariest part.
That’s amazing, you are right though but I love your drive to learn more. Reading even if its super hard and challenging. Power to you <3 good luck. I do love doing what u do too 😛
One day i will try again to learn Korean 🙂
And it’s a good idea to learn while reading some novel ( i have order some chinese books)
I hope so too! oh you learning Chinese? Awesome.
Yes learning Chinese,Japanese & Russian and a little Spanish, and i know Portuguese and English (my mother tongue is French)
Maybe one day i will learn Korean again 🙂
But it’s a great idea to learn the language while reading some novels 🙂
I hope you do! It is fun to learn language while reading novels, but somehow I never get to the end of my novels 🙁 lol
I know how you feel it’s can be a little hard, but with some motivation you can do it 🙂