Hellllo ^_^ first off I just want to say thanks you all are so kind, my previous post (which is now deleted) was really my feelings, and quite a number of you sent me messages on Kakao (and others) and I’m really grateful for the kind words you all had to share! 🙂 and I do feel better now, and I will always be strong. ♥

But…to the point now, I really feel like January wasn’t the month I wanted it to be. So I basically am going to do it over, I will pretend like January never happened at all. Will build off of my goals that were set in December! ^^ Honestly seems like a better plan to me, its my system and method so I guess I can do whatever I really want.


New rules. New ideas. And I have a load of them so I think I will have a pretty successful February! ^^ With January being the trial month, that, didn’t really work out that great.

This is a short post. Hope everyone had a better January than I did, and if not pretend like it never happened, works fine if you ask me. 🙂 February will be better, much better than last month. <3

I also have new textbooks on the way, but thanks to some kind of snow they haven’t actually moved which is very upsetting. Seeing as when they do move it will be like 7days till I receive them, and I could do with some pretty books to look at.

Not that I don’t already have enough to finish 😀

And I will finish them…at my very uniquely slow pace 😛

Once again, thanks for all your kind words and support and enjoy the first day of a new month. A new run of 30days to get stuff right (if you got it wrong last run) — and if you got it right? Woah….share your secrets and have a good day <3



  1. I’m glad you are feeling better. Good luck with February.
    I loved your comment about your ‘uniquely slow pace’. I know exactly what you mean. I definitely fall into that category. I feel every time I get into good study habits something happens to throw my schedule and I take ages to get it sorted again (ie find my motivation again). X

    1. Thank you! <3 And same to you.
      Hahaha, yes, because I feel like I move a billion times slower than normal human beings, glad to know I have someone who moves super slow like me 😀 Its a hard thing to get all sorted again, but hopefully February will be our year! 🙂

      ps : checked out your blog, I like it. Followed and can't wait to see your updates.


    1. thanks so much 🙂 I thankfully already have my motivation back x_x and I might get new books to help me out morrrrrre 😛 have a good February yourself. (I will probably stalk your lang-8 more this month lol)


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