Good morning ^^ !! I realise I haven’t updated on my reading journey and etc, everything really. New books and yeah, all of that stuff. My reading challenge is still going I’m a few pages behind because I recently got addicted to a forum. So i haven’t slept, people get dark circles when they don’t sleep (?) I didn’t get that, but used it in the title because its whats expected with stress and lack of sleep. 🙂
My sister got me to signup last year (December) for a Kpop forum or something (she forced me) but I didn’t use it, then she made a bet with me, and I hate losing so I took her up on it. And won. Now I’m free yay….
Hence I am behind on my reading (like 5 pages only ^^) and on my vocabulary textbook — TOPIK 어휘로 잡아라! (intermediate) — which I am enjoying, actually, its a vocab book but when I am looking at it, using it, and just seeing how it works for me as a language learner and etc. trying it out to see what I truly think when I get to the end of the book. It’s an experiment for me :3
Because of all this I haven’t been sleeping. Just two days I haven’t slept when I usually sleep. For the last few months I have been going to bed at a set time (21:45pm) ~ I basically have a bed time ♥
Today though I’m getting back to my books (duh. all of them.) and waiting patiently (not) for two new books that look absolutely amazing. My excitement level for books is like cray crazy!!!!!! ^^ and the two books I am waiting for will be my last for a while. I bought them on gmarket and told myself it would be the last till October *sobs*
More than one reason, I don’t want pressure to finish books I keep obsessively buying online. And I want to save money for something that costs 900$ and not buying books would help me with that. I spend like 200$ each time, if you count the price of the products (books), duty and shipping. Because I’m so damn far from the places I buy from :/
I also changed the blog layout….again. ^^;;
I have dark circles most of the time XD I have been studying a lot more this week. I would love to get TOPK textbooks but I should wait until summer after I finish my Japanese test… for some reason my brain thinks Korean is the priority even though if I take TOPIK I will take it in October and my JLPT is in July hahaha wtf Good luck to us!! I started following your instagram to remind me to study XD
Haha. I sadly have these weird puffy eyes when I don’t sleep lol and even if I do there they are haha. XD But that’s great for you, you seem really diligent in your studying. ^^ I understand that, Chemistry and Physics should be the first thing I look at when I wake up but nah ah I head for Naver :p hahaha good luck with JLPT and hope u can take the TOPIK asap. That would be awesome. Oh and thank u, hope I don’t bore u to death on there lol. Hwaiting.