March Language Goals

Time for the March language goals yay! ^^

– I plan to use my topik vocab book. It’s kinda fun and I am enjoy it, but its pretty thick so a whole months challenge shall be devoted to it. Luckily March is a real month so thankfully I have 31 days to work with it ^^ 

– read a little more. I will switch from the Big Bang book to something a little easier to accommodate the other stuff I will be doing. I haven’t decided to what yet though. It can’t be too time consuming. 

– talk more. I keep stressing on the writing but if I can talk then I can write, and I think I can grasp talking faster, I have been told I never shut up. hahaha. ^^ 

– buy one Japanese textbook. If some kind soul could link me to a good beginner textbook, I found Genki and plan on buying it maybe next week or something, I don’t know because I am also eyeing a few Korean things. 

– frequent updates. Recently because I was too tired most days to write posts and also wasn’t the happiest bunny I did stick to Instagram more than here which sucks but I will try to post updates here. And more stuff, other than “this is what I did today” haha. ^^ seems like a good plan? hey. 

From my post March Language Goals

Hey guys (=^-ω-^=)

So its April now, and I got some more of those elusive goals on my list. And I am going to recap some of the goals I had in March (・∀・) and for reference I copy-and-pasted my exact wording from the post I made at the beginning of March.

Recap time ~

1. The topik book. I am happy I did use it almost 3-4 times a week. In the last week though I didn’t touch it once, I was “too tired” from watching drama and generally doing the bare minimum with most things. I don’t mind though because I did almost get mid-way. So I can review it ; talk about it and pretty much all. (・ェ-)

2. Read a little more. I was supposed to pick a book for reading in April, and I didn’t. I looked at all I had to read (ma selection) and it looked tedious so I generally stuck to gossip (dispatch) and general kpop news articles. About twice weekly or once. (*ノ▽ノ)

3. Talk more. I did. Not out loud though, in my head, I developed a little habit about week 2 of March where everything I wanted to say in English I just tried mentally translating it ; and if I had my phone I would type it out in a note app. It went well, didn’t last past noon though. But it was better than nothing.

4. Buy a Japanese textbook. I DID IT. I bought a Japanese textbook, and that is step 1. in Japanese learning. And I love my first textbook, its whats been keeping me from taking my topik book further I’m sure I could have been 3/4 in if I didn’t start focusing on Japanese in the last week (╯_╰) but that’s okay. It was in the goals for the month so forgiven.

Say "Hi" to my textbook which I loove.
Say “Hi” to my textbook which I loove.


5. Frequent updates. I didn’t do that. Mmm. (╯_╰) I wanted to, but rather keep my babbling to myself, wouldn’t want pointless junk on here. Would piss me and you all off. m(._.)m  I did post a bit on Instagram though (・∀・)

Instagram (* ˘⌣˘)◞[_]♥[_]ヽ(•‿• ) Follow Me 

Now them April goals. There is a second language here now so I guess it means the goals-list is DOUBLE long (๑>ᴗ<๑)

Start with my new baby ~ Japanese!!! ^_^

I’m beginner, so the list is a long one, there is loads to be done.

  • Perfect my Kana abilities. I have got to have super-strength Kana power by May 1st (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
This chapter and google is my new bestie :)
This chapter and google is my new bestie 🙂
  • This is big …for now…but I must learn 5 grammars and be able to implement them flawlessly in anything I write.
  • Mmm. Could I maybe open a Japanese blog and write one-liners ? ~(^◇^)/
  • Buy one Japanese reference book (something grammar – lets get these early)
  • Vocab. I am learning from Genki. Its my only learning source at the moment. + I will look at japanesepod101 I trust their series because koreanclass101 was invaluable to me and sometimes still is (:
  • Have fun. This is the most important goal hehe (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

I think that would be enough for Japanese, I don’t want to rush, but I also don’t want to move at the pace of a tortois and forget what I learn. My short memory means no-review of material learnt = I forget everything. All of it.

Boring I know. So preventative measures will be taken for Japanese just like I did in the beginning of my Korean learning journey (:


Short list 🙂 😉

  • Continue with the topik vocabulary workbook from March. I’m not done yet. But I will review it soon either way, I’m sorta half-way (:
  • Comprehensive textbook (any. I ordered Ewha 4 and that should be here soon, but I still have Ewha 3-1 on my bookshelf so I will use that first)
  • I have Yonsei reading 2 ; but now I want to get book 3 because I am almost done with book 2! I always read it in my spare time, because it happens to be my favourite Korean textbook.
  • Continue with Naver (=`ω´=)
  • Review the books I have finished using. It’s a few, if you include ebooks and random stuff its alot.

The list for Korean is a lot shorter eh? ^_^ so that’s it o(`ω´*)o

I know I’ll do more, but always make the most simple and do-able things known here (:

I always add to my lists actually 🙂

Happy April. (∿°○°)∿ ︵ ǝʌol



  1. You should try 일본어 무작정 따라하기. It’s a book and there’s also an app for it for both android and iOS. It’s completely in Korean, but I think you can handle it. I’ve been using it as a supplement to introduce new words and phrases that I then later learn in more detail through other textbooks. I think it really does a good job at giving you confidence in learning new words, and phrases while teaching you grammar at the same time through a whole bunch of example sentences and shows you how you can play around with wording to mean slightly different things. On top of that they read the Korean translation out to you so you’re practicing your Korean listening at the same time(kind of). And btw, do you plan on learning using RTK? I haven’t used it personally I’m just wondering if I’m the only one who isn’t using it.

    1. Oh thank you I definitely will try the app and book! 🙂 I’m sure I can, well, I hope I can haha ^^ you are learning Japanese too? How is it going? and for how long have you been studying? (: I like the idea of grammar so that’s a plus for me.

      I have no idea what the RTK is???? So I don’t think so lol!! What is it? A book or something? I don’t even know.

      1. I’ve been learning Japanese for a little over a month now, and it’s been pretty fun. It kind of feels like when I first started learning Korean. ^^ And RTK is a book called “Remembering The Kanji.” It teaches you individual characters, their seperate meaning and their readings in different phases using mnemonics. Personally,I don’t use it because I don’t like the idea of learning kanji isolated from words, but a lot of people praise it.

        1. wow. amazing. Its been a week and I already feel like that, when I was learning ~고싶다 and getting super excited. Beginner stages are always fun actually. And I like the idea of the mnemonics in the book you mentioned but learning out of context isn’t my thing either, feels like a lot of memorization and that’s not me at all. thanks for telling me about it, my sister might like that actually. (We studying together…sort of)

  2. Hi how did you manage to learn Korean while studying on school? Because Me, I know how to read and write but Im having a so hard time learning the subject-verb etc. And making sentences do you have any suggestions? Id like to know what tools/items did you use? What apps are you using now?or websites? Please answer back Thank you ^^

    1. I just studied really ^^ I had a flexible school system so it was easy for me 🙂 and I recommend using and (if you use ttmik) but is free and does the same thing. I didn’t use books in the beginning just sites like and 🙂 I didn’t use any apps! You can try (?) they have an iOS app for Korean learning as well! ^_^ Good luck ¬–

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