Japanese has exceptions and irregularities too? OMG.

Obviously I knew this, everything has exceptions and irregularities! Of course. But now I just know the Japanese ones, well, not all, how could I, but a few of them now.

Mostly to do with the Hiragana, Katakana, a few Kanji and pronunciation. I’m happy about that, bolded the pronunciation because most of them are just pronunciation 😀

Time for pictures of my untidy and disorganized notes (Japanese of course) I can now read and write with general ease if its Hiragana and Katakana and the 9 kanji I know so far loool.





There is no grammar yet. I kinda needed to look at Korean grammar because I got really pissed when I opened naver on my phone and tried to read something random and came across a grammar I didn’t know nor could I piece together in my mind. So headed for K-textbooks. 🙂


PicMonkey Collage

Read grammar, and tried to write something with it 🙁 pathetic honestly. I remember it though but still pathetic. I didn’t have the energy to get my notebook out so I just used the textbook itself. There was space m(._.)m and I was lazy.

This post kinda veered off the title, I know, I’m sorry but it was more a general post actually anyway so its okay.

#Current Jdrama




This is probably my favourite drama in the whole world. I could watch it over and over again and never get tired of it. I absolutely adore it, and I’m picking up words because I am watching it over and over again. I am only on episode 5 though. So I have 1-5 and I watch those over and over until I have another episode to watch 🙂 the files are massive so it takes a while before I can see the next one.

Massive because I wanted to have good quality (* >ω<) that’s how awesome it is. [and I just discovered it has a Korean version, which not going to lie but looking at the actors I won’t waste my time watching it hehe!! They’ll ruin it, everything Korean-remake turns out HORRIBLE…I mean look at Boys Over Flowers eh?!]

xo ( ˘ ³˘)♥


  1. There is grammar in the Genki but very later in the book, and it’s really nice explain on here. It’s one of my favorite book for learn Japanese.

  2. Kimi wa petto is a manga (14 volumes, I think), so you may want to find the paper version. It’s hilarious.

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