Yay for me!
New discovery while reviewing my tiny little Kanji list. Japanese has “small” letters, and I figured this out just by accident…I don’t recall reading this in my textbook (or anywhere else for that matter) and it seems like an important piece of information now that I even know about it.
Point 1 : How the hell did I figure it out? I wanted to type in the On’yomi Kanji reading for 十 (じゅう)but I typed this >> じゆう << don’t they look identical to you? (if you have been studying a long time then obviously not but to me, it looked identical) just the size of the Hiragana ゆ looked “smaller” didn’t really think that mattered much though. Figured it was my laptop font being weird.
NO! Its a contraction (combination of two sounds) of course!
When written, they are written smaller in order to indicate they’re attached to the previous kana
Found this when I decided to return and read TextFugu – wish Genki had explicitly mentioned this information. Maybe they did but I read all of it and not once did I read that the contractions involved using a “smaller case” looking letter of や, ゆ and よ! ^^
But glad I know now. That’s all that truly matters 🙂 kinda fun though having small letters, makes it harder in a way though if you aren’t thinking but then what are you doing if not thinking? You can’t learn without thinking lol~ ^^
Ah well! Weird discovery complete.
(…..awkward goodbye…..)