I have not posted on this blog for over a week!! Big reason for that I’ve been feeling like crap but something good came of it =) I just experemented with some different styles of Korean study and I think it will help me improve my Korean =) when you sick and in bed all day you come up with some super whacky ideas and do all sorts of things =)

In the week I have been sick I finished till Level 7 of Talk To Me In Korean lessons =) Yay!! Really I was thrilled when I did that ….NO joke !!

I tried out a Korean learning program and just wrote down what i though of it …like a review and I will post  that later =) after I clean it up and make it look normal not a random garble of a slightly drugged out girl =)

And I uploaded all of my Korean Class 101 lessons onto Mediafire as a back-up just in a case of emergency when my External Harddrive and my Laptop die on me =) I know that’s a traggic thing to say but it can happen =)

And i went on a little shopping spree and bought Intergrated Korean 1 plus the Worbook …it should arrive in about 2 weeks I hope becuase I want to have a look at it, it looked very interesting to me =)

As well as all my E-Book on the Korean language that I have all on Mediafire for the same reason I did it for my Korean Class 101 lessons just incase my HDD and laptop die on me =) …

And I did sooo much more but now I’m super tired and I have no energy to keep typing =) LOL I will just post everything later =)

So everyone have a good day and stay healthy being a sick baby is soooo not cool I didn’t enjoy it =) but yeah I’m cool now =)


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