
When last did I study Korean? I really can’t remember I have been so busy with so many things ^^ #schoolwork is really frustrating!!!

But I make enough time in a day though to just read a sentence in Korean and learn from words and stuff like that, it helps, because stopping can make my Korean brain (yea. I have an English brain which is my life. and a Korean brain which is my other life ^^ weird?!?!?!) mush so I read Korean daily it does not take much time :p

Then yesterday when I got about two hours to myself ; I wanted to rest because I was so tired but then I decided just look at my Korean materials and what-not, and some drama’s ^^ so discovered some nice drama’s that are playing (well!! when I have time I will watch them lol)


I’m going to watch a drama ~ 학교 2013 episode 1 now haha and I will study tonight not much school work to do :)) then continue blogging ^^


  1. Let me know how 학교 2013 is – 너무 보고 싶어요~ I’ll watch it eventually…hehe but I’m rewatching Lie To Me on and off as I get stuff done lately ^_^ hwaiting with studying Korean!!

    1. Yeah I will let you know …!!! but so far I’m on episode 4 only but the dynamics in the show are amazing the actors are amazing its a really great storyline and I don’t see it slowing down 🙂 and Lie To Me was an amazing drama love Yoon Eun Hye 😀 and you too hwaiting!!!!

  2. I guess I know now why,not only I’m not improving in Japanese,but also keeps going back to square one. I keep stopping. Completely. Not just no textbooks. But no reading. No listening. Not even songs and dramas. O.o

    Envious! I heard 학교 is a nice one. Wanna watch it. But currently watching Alice in Cheongdamdong. 🙂

    1. Yeah haha!! stop-and-start study really sucks because your mind really just forgets what you learn and then back to square one and I’m such a lazy person that I actually don’t wanna go back to square one so I would rather stick in something when I have no time like listening to K-Pop while I am doing my homework hehe!!!!

      Yea. 학교 2013 is a very very good drama and enjoying it a lot 🙂 watch it >.> and Alice in Cheongdamdong is it good I watched only the preview looked good but I wasn’t so sure I might try it tonight if I have time XD!!!!

  3. I know how you feel. I finally got my Pimsleur mp3s on my droid. I’m in the middle of Korean 1B. I usually learn while driving, but haven’t been driving much these days. I work at home. I have completed my first workbook recently (it took me a year to finish it!) and almost done with a second. Now to the next in both series.

    I’m also watching School 2013 on KBS World through my cable TV, so I’m only up to Episode 6. I love Choi Daniel!

    1. Awesome!!! Keep going and lets not stop otherwise our Korean brains will turn to mush XDD!!!! we need them to remember everything haha!!!I actually usually try and get some Korean study time in (that is when I have no time) when I am having lunch or just walking in general listen to some music (like that ever stops) and reading an article on Naver 😀 and a year for a workbook tsk!!!! Haha!! but at least you got through it just never loose focus don’t allow yourself to loose focus ^^

      Oh!Oh! I just love School 2013.Period. Its really good. Which one is Choi Daniel *opens google* and thank’s for stopping by and leaving a comment hope to see ya around <3

  4. Ah… 학교. Last week I watched the drama for like 5 minutes on KBS World, and switched the channel. All I remember is that the actors were TOO HOT to be highschoolers. Haha. It’s that good? I’ll wait for the DVD to come out.

    1. Haha! Its 학교 fever for me 😀 and yea. I got that feeling too that those guys are just TOO HOT to be highschoolers HAHA!!! But yeah, it is actually a really really really good drama XD and I actually might get that on DVD just to have it with me to watch whenever I want to (I hope they can make a DVD box set with some posters of them) That would be cool ~ my wall 😀

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