일요일에 공부 :D

Hey ya!!!!

(Did I just start a post with “Hey ya” ???? seems so haha) anyway how was everyone’s weekend?

Hope you all had a lovely weekend 🙂


Whew, I think I have just about enough of Korean for one day 😀 (no!!!! that’s a lie ….) how can I get tired of studying Korean XD, it’s not possible for me (:

So basically today I did lots of notes…like seriously a lot of notes I was pretty freaking busy 😛

Although most of my time was actually used organizing my NEW notebooks ….yea. I decided to buy some new ones because the other ones where so untidy and they were frustrating me ~ so I ditched them and spent almost three hours transferring notes to my new notebooks (:


Yea. I learned a lot of ways to use Idioms today and it was so exciting using words I thought I knew in different context ~ I enjoyed it so much then practicing with Korean friends 😀 some of the idioms I learnt like (시원하다) were easy to use and guess what they could be used for in more colloquial Korean but other like (너 통 크다) were a little strange to me 😀 but after looking at them and trying to think in terms of how Korean works (yea. thinking too much is not good for me LOL)  then I could see the meanings more clearly (:

But actually I must say that learning idioms is actually really very interesting ~ I enjoy idioms they allow you to see another side of the language you are learning and helps understand the logic in the language 🙂

Two of my favourite idioms ~

가면을 벗다 ~ to show ones true self

외유내강 ~ a steel hand in a velvet glove

I have more but I’m honestly really tired today ㅠㅠ ~ studying can’t make you tired so I can’t blame the Korean study 😀

And also ~ what do you think of the new theme? 마음에 들어?

What are some of your favourite idioms or Korean phrases?

코멘트 남겨주세요 🙂

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