
It’s here ^^ my Korean book is here!

Korean Grammar In Use : Intermediate
Korean Grammar In Use : Intermediate

Book finally arrived 😀 took it long enough lol, and so far I have only looked at it just a little 2hours and I am really happy with it and it comes with an mp3 CD which is awesome I have been wanting to work on my reading and pronunciation (: although pronunciation has improved a lot almost sound natural ….just not natural speed :p

2013 January 282
#sorry the pic is fuzzy I was shaking from excitement ^^

The mp3 CD has all the audio files for the book exercises ^^ which is cool because sometimes when you read something you never really know what the correct pronunciation is BUT with the audio CD it’s like having a Korean teacher at your side the whole time while reading the book (:

2013 January 287

This is the first chapter 😀 I’m going to start studying with this now ^^ then when I have looked at the book properly I will try to write a review ^^ an in-depth one 🙂

#happystudy everyone <3


    1. 아니요! I bought this one in the 10/11 of this month 🙂 the one that was delayed was the Integrated Korean book (^_^) which I got a while ago! Ah ~ 5 months underway I would have gone MAD keke!!!!

      1. Ah, okay ^^ that’s something. I just remembered that there was a book which was aaaages underway. You would have deserved a prize if you had waited for 5 months for this one!.. And a hefty compensation of some kind from the seller hehe. Well, happy studying! 😀

        1. Yea. there was one that was underway but it got to me in like 2 and a half months 😀 I was irritated but I dealt with it haha but 5 months I would have just asked for another one hehe (^_^) it would have been less headache and thanks I will study diligently 🙂

  1. Yay! An Intermediate Korean Grammar Book! I’ll be waiting for you in-depth review of the book! By looking at the second photo you uploaded it seems like this book is almost the same as TOPIK 150 Intermediate Grammar.

    And I am really curious about how they translated the explanations of the grammars to English so I hope you’ll give some comment on that on your future review 😀

    1. Yay! I’m excited too 🙂

      And I haven’t seem what the TOPIK 150 Intermediate Grammar contents look like I only read your review lol and it looks like a good book (I now want it :D) and actually the explanations are done very well so far as I have seen mainly because they give a illustrations to help with understand how the grammar is used and exceptions/variations to the grammar point being learned 🙂

      So translation is more “real” because they do it more using the Korean context so there seems to be less confusion 🙂

      And I think I will do it soon ^_^

      1. Oh I see! I think this is really a good book! Honestly, my only problem with TOPIK 150 is the vagueness of the translations. Even though my teachers usually say “learn the language using that language”, it is still helpful if the translations are good. I am really confused with some grammar patterns. TOPIK 150 says that some grammars are the same but if you will analyze them, they really differ on when or where you are going to use them ToT

        1. So far I have gone through about 27 pages of this book and the explanations on grammar seem very very “out there” being confused using this book is something I think none of us need to worry about (^_^) and the analysis actually helps with the clarification i think …it demystifies the grammar point tbh!!!!

          When something is vague and confusing its no longer fun and I loose concentration LOL so I don’t like books like that and that’s what my other book was like (Integrated Korean) ; it was only good for learning vocabulary not grammar T^T but this one I am overjoyed with the explanations to grammar that has baffled me for months (^_^)

          1. Haha! I think I need to bear with TOPIK 150 with all the obscurities. I will just take it as a challenge by using the Korean explanations instead of the English. Well, I already have Yonsei 3 and there are a lot of resources online so I guess I have to utilize them first ㅋㅋ

  2. More language books! 😀 Happy studying! I’m trying to get through the Korean ones I currently have before buying anything else. I just got two grammar dictionaries (beginner and intermediate) for Japanese and have been paging through like :DDD as I learn. XD I don’t know what it is about buying language books in a store or waiting for them to be shipped to you that makes the spazz feeling happen. I’m tempted to delay my studying for a couple more hours and dive back into the books… >.> Yepp… Political science and geography can wait. 😀

    1. YEAHH!!!! more language books 😀 😀 and no haha when I buy more books I am actually more motivated to study ~ strange lol~!! which Korean books do you have?? Need ideas for next books 😀 and I know the feeling you know your getting something you bought and you know exactly whats in the package but your just so HAPPY and act kinda nuts LOL its excitement XD >.> same. my homework is not happy that I am not paying attention XD its just sitting there *not moving* haha but I feel like studying Korean 😀

      Happy studying to you too <3

      1. I kinda left my homework at the desk and took a well needed nap afterwards. It’ll have to deal with it. XD I have uhh… *looks back at books* Sogang Korean 1A (too easy ;A;), Integrated Korean Beginning 1, and Spoken World Korean (non-series/not-really-a-textbook include 500 Korean verbs, a childen’s book, and a dictionary). I think of it as two books to get through since I could probably blow through the Sogang one in a day if I sat down and aimed for it. Hmmm… I’m tempted to try that. 😀

        I’m thinking of adding a grammar book to the collection. I have so many good Japanese resources, but I feel I need more Korean. ToT

        1. Haha! I’m sure they will be sad but what can they do XD Integrated Korean Beginning 1 is too easy I think I have it and I finished it in a day *with breaks* but you have so many Korean books lol even if they are easy go over them a lot 😀 so that you can just drum it in all that Korean knowledge 😀 *i think your homework hates you btw* lol

          1. Haha, it probably does hate me. XD Hopefully the next levels will give me a bit of a challenge. Maybe I’m paying more attention to Japanese because the Aries warrior in me likes a challenge and I find Japanese more challenging. (I think I’ve figured it out! O.o)

            I’m hoping to pay more attention to my Korean study this year because my Japanese is seriously just eating it alive. Most people have trouble learning Japanese and finding time for it when compared to Korean, but I’m the opposite. Japapese: WHEEEEEEE *surfs through* Korean: WHE- OH GOD WHERE DID THAT JAPANESE ROCK COME FROM?! That’s the best way to put it. I’m probably gonna need to devise a plan for this. >.>

  3. Ohh, I have that book! I think they do a good job of explaining grammar points in a clear way. I also like how they point out the differences between similar grammar points (since it can get confusing at times).

    Have fun! 🙂

    1. Yea. I agree with you (^_^) their explanations are actually awesome they don’t leave you feeling /omg, this is so difficult and confusing/ lol you actually get the grammar point with the comparison to other points and what-not 🙂

      And yea. 😀 totally its 2 a.m and I’m reading it haha *online*

  4. I have bought soooo many Korean grammar books over the years and that is by far the best one. I love how they group the grammatical constructions together based on their function (expressing contrast, expressing conjecture, expressing degree, etc.) and then use charts and tables to help you see the differences between them. Also there are so many example sentences for each grammar point. The CD is amazing because if you listen to it often you’ll really get used to the rhythm and intonation of the grammar and it starts sounding familiar and natural so you can sort of “feel” their meaning instead of “think” their meaning (do you know what I mean? it’s more like really sensing the meaning rather than consciously thinking). I highly recommend listening to the CD often while exercising or while commuting; it helped my listening comprehension so much.

    1. Although this is my first Korean grammar book I think maybe I can also say that it is the best Korean book I own! the grouping and breakdowns of all the grammar points are really cool you get so really see how they work when they are used in every context and real life examples are used and its not limited to the usual “Michael goes to Jill” crap those stupid standard sentences supposedly made to make you learn >.> which is nonsense to me! The CD actually to me makes me give the book a five stars (*****) it brings everything together and yeah I get what you mean sometimes you have to think (oh, I think I get the meaning bases on this and this) but with the CD you can actually “tell” the meaning its not a guess work game your actually understanding the meaning and feeling what it is! and my listening sucks to hopefully it will improve after this 😀 Thanks for the comment (^_^)

  5. Wow! I haven’t bought a Korean textbook. I have lots of Korean fiction books though. Weird. Anyway, I would like to try and study the language again. I tried self-studying before, but got busy and lazy. Good things I have k-friends here and there who always accompany me. They put me in eternal practice of their language. Haha!

    1. (^_^) Sometimes if you have really good K-friends you don’t need textbooks as much but me I only have KakaoTok Korean friends so I get to do voice calls but sometimes when I am busy I get a little /LAZY/ and stop voice calls 😀 and then my speaking in Korean gets really really weak! And what kind of fiction books you got, if you don’t mind me asking I’m really looking for some new fiction books 😀 I actually just recently bought 응답하라 1997 novel so really really excited 😀 can’t wait !!!!!

      1. I have The Secret Garden and Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. I tried reading them, but it is difficult to understand everything! ahaha.

        You have kakao talk, too? It is my main way to communicate with my k-friends here in the Philippines and back in Korea. We also use My People and Line. How did you get Kakao talk Korean friends? You have to know them personally to be added in your friends list, right?

        1. Haha! well I have the Big Bang autobiography which is kinda hard but its challenging too 😀 and yeah I have LINE and Kakao talk and language exchange for some I have only met one before (^_^) the rest I am yet to meet <3

          I want to get the physical copy of Secret Garden book <3 I only have the digital books 🙁

          1. Oh! Even in English, I don’t have patience reading biographies kk maybe next time we can chat in Kakao talk.

            Those books I have mentioned are in paperbacks. My K-ex gave those to me. Where do you download those ebooks?

          2. Nope! They are all in Korean xD and I love Big Bang so much that I don’t even see it as an autobiography just a book that is really inspirational once you get to reading it 🙂 yeah that would nice to chat in Kakao 🙂 I got a Secret Garden app and just bought the copies on iPad >> https://itunes.apple.com/zw/app/sikeulisgadeun-secret-garden/id433842032?mt=8 that’s the link and each volume is 2.99$ I don’t know another place to get other than daum book 🙂

          3. Oh dear. Haha I usually rely to my k-friends to purchase me K-items. I am not a fan girl so my Filipino friends envy me to have my K-friends. If it were them, they’ll have them buy Kpop albums and stuff kkk.

            As for the book, I will try to ask them to purchase me some textbooks. Then we’ll study together!

  6. I really love when grammars are divided into groups. This book’s structure is almost the same as Topik 150 Grammars.
    As for the topik 추측 in book Topik 150 Grammars, it has more grammar structures:
    -나 보다, -는 것 같다, -(으)ㄹ 테니까, -(으)ㄹ까 봐(서), -는 모양이다, -(으)ㄹ 리(가) 없다/있다, -는 듯하다, -(으)ㄹ걸요, -(으)ㄹ텐데 ^^

    1. Haha! LOL me too XD and I’m really really curious as to what Topik 150 Grammars book looks like 🙂 and yes I read a review and it seems like there are a lot more grammar points in it! and I need to improve on grammar 🙂 thanks for the comment 🙂

  7. Woah~I’m reading the similar book, but still “beginner to early intermediate” level. I didn’t buy it, I found it in library. The book is so great and easy to understand. Thanks to the writers. I should find the next level book as I finished reading the ‘beginner to early intermediate’ level. I hope ‘library’ will help me again ^^

    1. Awesome! i think I still need to buy the “Beginner to Early Intermediate” book just to brush up don’t just wanna know Intermediate grammar lol and your really lucky that you can find K-books in your library although I haven’t actually checked in my local library I don’t think I would ever find a K-book there 😀 and I’m sure they will be able to help you 🙂 Fighting!!!!!

      1. Haha. Actually, I didn’t find the book in my university library. But I need to go to another university library (in another city) which provides Korean books (since there is korean department). And my to-find-korean-book trip was paid by finding the book out. 감사~

        1. Haha! Wow, that was a long trip to find the book 😀 so it needed to be rewarded with the actual book! and I dunno if they have a Korean department at any universities here?! I should check it out …its worth a try 😀

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