Its 만우절 😀 or April Fools Day ^^
Enjoy your 만우절 and don’t fool people too much ^^ I want to fool my sister and my Mum (my Dad won’t find it too amusing, haha)
But, don’t forget to study Korean 😀
Have a few things to get done today :~
- Finish with SBS News article (1) and start (2)
- Get at least 12 lessons into TTMIK Level 4
- Finish Korean email to 언니 ^^
- 세상에 너를 소리쳐! 2 pages to post on blog 😀
- 만화 ㅋㅋㅋ~
- Finish studying the Hanja in the Advanced Korean article (here)
And also I wanna “wake” my Korean blog up ㅠㅠ its like dead (only had 3 posts) since last year 😀 bad haha but hopefully if I have a lot of time I will rescue it because it looks a little sad ^^;;
Don’t forget that in Korean (April Fools Day) is 만우절
What did you do on 만우절?
Who did you fool? and how?
I’d love to know so leave a comment ^^
The web is awesome. Thank you for sharing ^^
Your welcome 🙂 glad you find it useful ^^