It’s Mothers Day 🙂
So a little Korean sentence that has the theme of Mothers Day ^^ we can learn some new (or not so new!!) vocabulary.
I chose two Korean sentences that I wanted to say to my Mum 🙂
어머니날을 맞아 꼭 드리고 싶은 말씀이 있어요
어머니 – Mother
날 – day
을 – particle
맞아 – be right/correct
꼭 – surely
드리고 – offer
싶은 – conjugation of ‘싶다’
말씀 – word (honorific)
있다 – to be
Translation is then ‘Because its Mother’s Day I just want to take some time to something’ or something similar to “Since its Mother’s Day let me say something” 🙂 something like that!! and then the next sentence is something cuter and probably more like what you (ME) would say to my Mom <3
“엄마 영원히 사랑해용”
엄마 – Mummy
영원 – forever/eternity
사랑해요! – I love you!
Which is something close to ‘Mommy I love you forever and ever’ 🙂 I knew most of the vocabulary and grammar which is great now I just have to tell my Mummy 🙂 안녕히 계세요 ~!! 뿅뿅
지금 자야 되요!! ㅋㅋ Feel free to leave your comments 🙂
This is cute and very useful for today! 고마워요 for explaining; I didn’t recognize all the words;;
It is 🙂 I though it would be!! Oh ~ well then I’m glad you got to learn some new words ^^ ㅋㅋㅋ 별 말씀을요 🙂
Thanks, because I always use 영원히, didn’t know there’s a word 영원이.
No! Gosh I made a mistake with that didn’t notice till now 😀 it is 영원히