Hey Everybody ^^
#currentlyblogging from Internet Cafe ^^
I hope you have not all forgotten about me T^T that would make me sadder than I already am with whats happening involving me not being online like I was every single day 🙁
So long story short is my ISP went belly up and now my Mum is currently sorting out a new internet ISP which takes a bit of time with paper work and setting up I wish it was instant I really do!!!! But if everything goes well maybe in a two-three weeks I will be my online self (because living offline for me is like being dead) AND I DUNN WANNA BE DEAD!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN????
Sorry for CAPS!!! Need my point to be understood!!!
So while I have been offline what has been happening in the Korean blogsphere?! A lot it seems 🙂
But I have had to learn offline which is not that bad its helpful because I don’t have a lot of distractions except K-pop and CNBLUE 😀 everything else is perfect I have done a ton of lessons and learnt grammar and all sorts 🙂
I haven’t yet received my book from twochois though 🙁 makes me very sad but I am sure it’s on its way!!!! Will be more patient ^^
Everyone have a good day my time is running out maybe latter if I can update I will!! But at least when my internet at home comes back online I will have loads of videos/and practice audio in Korean/Chinese and Japanese because I have had all the time to make them its great but also sad I miss my blog 🙁
Annyeong (can’t type in Hangul its not installed on this computer T^T)
Kay- I’ve been watching shipping status of your book and it shows that the shipment arrived in the U.K. May 9th. I will file the case to Korean Post Office tomorrow. If you could, could you check the shipping status of yours at the U.K. Post office? Tracking number is RR451767999KR . Sorry for the delay. T_T
Kay- I’ve phoned to the Korean post office. They recommended you to call to the U.K. Post office and track your shipment. It’s bothersome but please contact to the U.K. post office.
Kay- I’ve phoned to the U.K. Post office and they said the shipment seems to be stucked at customs office. Did your mother receive any notification from post office? The officer at the U.K. post office recommended to wait for few more days. I am so sorry that you haven’t got your shipment and I can do nothing about it. T_T
Please contact to the customs office.(I tried but I failed…)
i’ve missed your enthusiams about language learning! Hope you’ll be back soon.
By the way, one tip if you want to type something in 한글 on a random computer,
you could open google translate, http://translate.google.com/#ko/en/
click on the keyboard’s icon and …ta daah! 한글 키보드
Hi :”> I’ve started a blog too. reviews on korean dramas I’ve watched, I also made it so I wont be able to forget the k-dramas ive watched. :”> I am also learning korean, I mentioned this before to you, thank you also for the references. :”> lovelovelove.
Hi <3 thanks for the lovely comment 🙂 and your welcome!!!!!
thanks for following me also. <3 love ur site so much.
No problem 😉