oh, 케이!! 반가워요- >_< 저두 진짜 정말 자주 써요!!
When I speak, I think I use 진짜 more than 정말. ( I don't know why…)
this word is created(?) by G-Dragon at TV program "무한도전".
행쇼 means 행복하십쇼- (Be happy)
When I first heard this word my sister and I acted like.."what? -_-????"
But many people are using or knows meaning of 행쇼 now. 🙂
ㅎㅎㅎ 왜 반가워요?! ^^ I don’t understand why I use 진짜 so much >< i think its so easy to say that's why ㅋㅋㅋ
네! 알아요 ㅋㅋ when I heard I also thought "What?!" I tried to look it up in a dictionary but it didn't work I landed up asking Korean people and that's how I found out the meaning 🙂 I like the word 행쇼 …귀엽네!!!!
Omg I use it all the time too!! XD Especially when I’m pissed lol 아 진짜..!!! ㅡㅡ;;;
ㅋㅋ 아이구!!!!!! Its such an easy word to use xD when I am pissed I always say 진짜 or 바보 🙂
oh, 케이!! 반가워요- >_< 저두 진짜 정말 자주 써요!!
When I speak, I think I use 진짜 more than 정말. ( I don't know why…)
this word is created(?) by G-Dragon at TV program "무한도전".
행쇼 means 행복하십쇼- (Be happy)
When I first heard this word my sister and I acted like.."what? -_-????"
But many people are using or knows meaning of 행쇼 now. 🙂
ㅎㅎㅎ 왜 반가워요?! ^^ I don’t understand why I use 진짜 so much >< i think its so easy to say that's why ㅋㅋㅋ
네! 알아요 ㅋㅋ when I heard I also thought "What?!" I tried to look it up in a dictionary but it didn't work I landed up asking Korean people and that's how I found out the meaning 🙂 I like the word 행쇼 …귀엽네!!!!
실제로 마주한 건 처음이라..ㅎㅎ
행쇼 첨엔 너무 이상했지만 귀여워요-