안녕 🙂

I didn’t study as much as I wanted to! Obviously I never really do because I expect too much from myself 🙂 but I did learn a few things and actually found a few new Korean language exchange friends (two actually) which is great!

I love new people HAHA!

Still reading 세상에 너를 소리쳐! it’s getting just a little bit hard but that is no problem I can handle it just fine ^^ and even though there is some difficulty it is a lot of fun when I read the book I have the thought that “I’m getting closer to the end of the book! Keep going don’t stop.”  and then I just don’t stop!

I have though, amassed a lot of notes on this book in only 20 pages LOL ^^ there is loads ~

I will share it in an Audio Blog post. Maybe. or Maybe not. I’m not certain but I know I want to share it all in an audio blog post just for 세상에 너를 소리쳐! so if I can I most definitely will share it with everyone.

Chances are I will though just depends on the time issue, and my internet connection tends to act up on me ^^

Read an interesting Chapter in a Korean textbook of mine about the grammar pattern -거든요 and I actually like that grammar pattern and it seems like its recently often used in speech to show disinterest to what someone is saying.

Figures. I would like anything that shows rudeness xD~

Then I also took a break and read a random webtoon which was actually really nice ~ though I am certain that if I had read the 1st episode the characters would make more sense to me but I went and read the 117th episode in the series.

Silly silly me! 🙂

Anyway, feel free to leave your opinions and everybody 굿밤!!


  1. Hey :] I wasnt sure where to ask this so sorry if its out of place but…Im just curious, what do you do about listening comprehension? Although im not at your level(Im only at lesson 2 of level 3 ttmik) i find that my I can barely understand a five minute dialogue even if it only includes words and grammar points that I already know. Does this happen to you when or Did it happen to you when you were a lower level? I know you’re not an expert but… you seem more experienced. Should I focus more on listening? 🙁

    1. Hey 🙂 no problem here is fine! and I tend to listen to just about anything with a transcript [Korean] because seeing the words/sentences and how they are constructed helps me to know what they are saying especially when I know most of the words and grammar patterns/points. When I was at an extreme Beginner level I used KoreanClass101 for everything and they have an awesome lesson set up with a little story for the grammar points! so I had that as my listening which I think helped me progress having seen how these words were being used ~ which means they were very few times I was actually confused ^^

      As for if you should focus on listening I would say YES! because listening actually can help your understanding of most things ~ that’s the way I see it ㅎㅎ just try and listen to anything you can get your hands on in Korean that has a transcript (in English too if you are not that strong on reading) it may help.

      Thanks for the comment and hope this helps, if you have any more questions feel free to leave a comment just about anywhere 😀

  2. You are so adorable~ lol. This is really random, but I’ve been learning Korean as long as you have (we’re the same age too lol) and I often get too lazy to study Korean, instead I just try to pick up new words by watching shows and movies. But reading your blog has made me motivated to study more, and I have been. Every day for a week 🙂 so thanks lol. And I also plan on reading 세상에 너를 소리쳐 soon, so it would definitely be great if you’d share notes from that~^^

    1. Haha! ^.^ why thank you its my pleasure to be adorable ㅋㅋㅋ we’re the same age? O.o cool! I’m glad you have been studying everyday, when you start you just can’t stop?! Which is great. Your welcome. I will try if I can to share my notes on 세상에 너를 소리쳐! it would have to be separated into many posts though its a lot of stuff HAHA!

      Thanks for the comment ^.^ and 열공 😀

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