Hey guys! ^^ yesterday although I was busy doing everything else but what I “had” to do I still managed to write a page a half of gibberish Korean ~ obviously I believe it is riddled with mistakes from the word GO but that doesn’t matter. I used a dictionary (offline) one which does not have a lot of detail in explaining words so a lot of the stuff I used some basic ‘primary’ words like a few times I was in a bit of a rut and using the –는데 and 싶어요 structures often because obviously I knew them best, for preposition I was using the -을 것 같아요 the most, as usual! Future sentence kept it super standard using 을 거예요 or 을 거야 depending on the sentence. Used a few suffixes the ones I was certain about and even a few that confused me a little but I understood enough to remember and use.
You can see I tried to play it safe and use mostly what I had absolutely understood and a lot of what I didn’t understand as well but in the ‘don’t understand’ area I did try and keep it small ㅎㅎ
This can’t sum up everything I wrote. I didn’t really check just went to bed and told myself I would look at it all in the morning because I was too scared, the way I did it. Just picked up a pen and started writing 😀 not in the pretty notebook though I thought of all the mistakes that could happen, horrible pen-scratches to remove it OMG!! It will look horrible like that. So plain notebook it was XD
I think I posted this picture on the blog already! A while ago on my 자기소개서 page (: but it makes me smile when I feel like not doing anything! its a real saying for me most of the time don’t know where I am going (Korean is one there are others) but I am on my way I will see what is waiting for me when I get there (if I get there!)
Have a good day <3
PS : these plug-ins are a little complex to manage! and worse to find ㅠ.ㅠ and I hate Facebook ^^;;
Wow…so awesome that you’re writing. I’ve been focusing on my reading & comprehension. Writing in Korean is a whole other ballgame 😉
Hehe! Thanks! Its a bit hard though lol ~ but fun too.
I was focusing on reading and comp. too for the past 2 months (on and off though!)
네! 홧팅 ㅎㅎ