I’m still settling in to my new home XD you would think its simple heh! I can tell you its not especially when I just can’t seem to get anything right with some settings. Facebook is one >< anyway so I have a bit of a to-do list with this blog and with other stuff 🙂
Made a to-do list to help keep up with all the things I need to do 🙂
- Sort out Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/seoulinme) it won’t let me edit the “info” and change the blog URL its very frustrating and I might have to email Facebook (although I don’t know what I would say!)
I installed a WP Audio Player plug-in and I have to learn how to use that because I have a few files to upload and if that fails then Soundcloud or You.tube will do the trick xD or maybe Podics (but it irritates me)Figured this out now!- I noticed some of the links that are ping-backs still lead to the WordPress.com blog means I have to change all those as well >< luckily I have only 200 posts and out of those there are only about 70 with ping-backs! makes life a little easier xD
- Finish replying to emails from Korean friends ^(^_^)^ almost done though!
- re-read Korean writing
- Practice pronunciation ~
That’s seems like all of it but knowing me I will take the procrastination to a whole new level and just do nothing till about 10 P.M but I hope I don’t I did say on Twitter that today is that day I will get things done ~ I always have good intentions how they turn out is a whole different story xD
Today I think is the day when I "get things done" 꼭 할 거예요!
— ケイステンです。 ☮ (@seoulinme) September 6, 2013
ㅎㅎㅎ 다음에 봐용 ~