[Photos] “Marry Him If You Dare” Stills of Jung Yonghwa as Park Seju

Hello ♥

Yesterday I posted on Facebook that my “upcoming” drama list was getting a bit longer than I wanted xD and also I mentioned that obviously I was going to watch the drama with 정용화 because I am a total fangirl of him hehehe ~ (as expressed here and here) yesterday when I said all this on Facebook I didn’t know there were some stills on Yonghwa as Park Seju but now they are ㅎㅎㅎ the still photos have made me anticipate the drama even more! ㅋㅋㅋ #awesome



my favourite picture so far of Yonghwa as Park Seju (he always looks perfect in this colour) ㅋㅋㅋ ^^







>> Now I need to watch this drama. Before there were too many rumours of the dramas Yonghwa was going to be in so there was nothing to be ‘certain’ about, now though there are stills ㅋㅋ its actually going to happen. To be honest I am glad Yonghwa chose this project compared to The Inheritors (Heirs) because in Heirs would he not be playing a schoolboy? I’m not sure, but that would not have suited Yonghwa like this he looks just plain 대박 ㅋㅋㅋ

이 드라마가 기다리고 있어요 ^^ it’s on my list now and its actually number #1


  1. YOU TOO?! My “upcoming” drama list is just growing by the minute for no reason and I don’t understand why. OTL I love 정용화 too. Actually, I like a lot of people from the 정 line, but it’s not by my choice. It just happens. 정윤호, 정대현, 정용화, 정경호… I don’t understand anymore. ;-;

    And damn right I dare to marry this man. *0* They can’t make titles like that with people like me running around. XD

    1. Hehe yes I have “Top Medical Team” because the first Korean actor I knew was Kwon Sang-woo (2007 is when I watched my first drama) and he is in that then the second Korean drama I watched was “Boy’s Over Flowers” in 2010 so that makes me want to watch “Heirs” for lovely Lee Min-ho but Yong-hwa trumps Min-ho out ^^ why so many 정’s lol they gonna take of your life hehe ~

      They shouldn’t I take it as a challenge hehe /kidding but really its such a naughty title XD

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