new page! ^_^ for a list of all the dramas I have watched. Its so I can remember what I have watched…sometimes its a little hard to remember all of them ㅋㅋ? Listing is by broadcast year, then the bold ones are my favorites, the absolutely amazing dramas I have seen.
Korean Drama
- 별에서 온 그대 (currently airing)
- 감격시대/ Inspiring Generation (currently airing)
- Emergency Couple (currently airing)
- Master’s Sun 주군의 태양 10/10 also seriously daebak
- Future Choice 미래의 선택 7/10 (there is a bias in this rating it wasn’t the best show but it was good, funny at times, it was slow but it was fun either way!)
- Prime Minister & I 7/10 (Had potential but omg it was like pointless the ending I didn’t even watch I just read the recap on but watching Yoona was cute for a while)
- One Warm Word 5/10 (although it is unfinished as of now for me ;; but still I think I won’t be able to watch the rest too mindless for me)
- 남자가 사랑할 때/ When a Man Loves (good watch. nice ending and I won’t give you any spoilers ^^ still it is worth a watch nice love story – )
- Big 빅 6/10
- Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스 5/10
- Bridal Mask 각시탈 10/10!!!!!! (I love this drama it is my favourite drama in the action/suspense genre!)
- The King 2 Hearts 더킹 투하츠 8/10
- A Gentleman’s Dignity 신사의 품격 9/10
- Full House TAKE 2 풀하우스 TAKE 2 4/10
- Secret Garden 시크릿 가든 10/10!!
- City Hunter 시티헌터 9/10
- My Princess 마이 프린세스 8/10
- You’ve Fallen for Me 넌 내게 반했어 8/10
- Midas 마이더스 6/10 (apart from a few actors and their scenes it was BORING I cried once though!)
- Lie To Me 내게 거짓말을 해봐 9/10 (so damn funny, the first time in a k-drama I laughed more than I cried hehe)
- A Thousand Day’s Promise 천일의 약속 10/10!!! (it was depressing and I cried non-stop most of the drama but its so beautiful an all time favourite!!)
- Can You Hear My Heart 내 마음이 들리니 9/10 (starts really slow but its so interesting, and sad)
- 49 Days 49일 9/10 (the only k-drama that I can re-watch and cry the same amount as the first time. cry till I get a headache!!)
- Tree With Deep Root’s 뿌리깊은 나무 8/10!
- My Love By My Side 내 사랑 내곁에 6/10
- Scent of a Woman 여인의 향기 10/10 (its awesome, actually an all time fave for me!! I can watch it over and over and never get sick of the story.)
- Manny 매니 5/10
- Flower Boy Ramyun Shop 꽃미남 라면가게 7/10
- The Empress 여제 (女帝) 4/10 (I dunno what was wrong with this drama….weird!!)
- Personal Taste 개인의 취향 8/10
- Mischievous Kiss 장난스런 키스 7/10
- My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox 내 여자친구는 구미호 10/10!! (seriously, this drama is hilarious….sad too I cried like a baby in a few scenes)
- Temptation of an Angel 천사의 유혹 8/10 (this drama was creepy! But I loved it!)
- One Mom Three Dad’s 아빠셋 엄마하나 5/10
- Coffee Prince 7/10
Sad Sonata 슬픈연가 10/10!! (also my first drama I saw, amazing)
- My Lovely Sam Soon 내 이름은 김삼순 6/10
I’m Sorry, I Love You 미안하다, 사랑한다 8/10
Korean Movies
I’m not a big Korean movie person, only started watching them recently so its not as many as the dramas ^^ but unless I say I hated them they are all good hehe </3 and also if there are any good ones you know of let me know ^^! No order in this list as I watch and like them I add them to the list.
200 Pound Beauty 미녀는 괴로워 (2006) It’s perfect ^__^ nothing more can be said.
71 Into the Gunfire sad. I cried a lot, but the whole movie was well done and the story behind the 71 student soldiers will break anyone’s heart
A Company Man 회사원 it has action and 소지섭 shooting people in massacre style. I loved this movie to bits but it has a very sad note to it too ;;
Always (2011) So Ji-sub and Han Hyo-joo. I didn’t cry as much as I usually cry when its sad but this movie was so depressing, its a great movie you won’t be disappointed if you watch it. Acting was amazing. IT WAS AMAZING!
100 Day’s With Mr Arrogant its not a bad movie, but watch it once laugh and never look at it again. Its not great, its just entertainment. One time thing.
Rough Cut (2008) So Ji-sub & Kang Ji-wan. This is action. If you want an action/violent movie with no in-between love story then go with this. Its just fight scenes throughout …..nothing more and nothing less. Good watch.
J.S.A (Joint Security Area) 2000 Lee Byung-hun. This is the best Korean movie I have watched to date. (12.11.2013) I had almost every emotion while I was watching this movie I was angry, sad, happy and then finally sad again
Crossing (2008) with Cha In-Pyo. omg. I was really sad when I watched this movie the story is so heartbreaking ;; and I loved the performance from the kid (Joon was his character name) although I wish the ending was happier …