What I did yesterday!!

HAHA!! Lol what I’m going to say is going to sound really dumb but I really thought today was the 3rd of October then I looked at my phone and I was like OMG! its actually the 4th I missed a whole day? How is that possible? Well not really possible just it seems I lost track of 24hrs LOL =) too long!

Well anyway what did I to yesterday? Well I was not really in the mood to study so I did lazy study…I watched Faith Ep 13,14,15, and 16! So that was my fake like study HAHA! and Episode 23 and 24 of Ojakgyo Brothers with my sister since my sister is seriously obsessed with After School’s Uee. But honestly I have only watched 2 Episodes of Ojakgyo but its really very nice, I want to watch it again with her if I have time or rather if she has the time to watch it with me so I can ask questions the whole time like ‘Who is she’ and ‘Why is he doing that’ LOL!! Drives her insane to the point of screaming shut up lol but I’m her 언니 so you think she would be a little less rude lol! Just kidding :)) !!

For the drama ‘Faith’ well I don’t think I should watch it weekly lol its too much for me I always want to know what happens next and…no I can’t watch it!

Korean study well I read 3 만화 on Naver and I actually honestly only landed up reading the comments on them HAHA!! Well I will be doing better with my study because I have given myself a new goal! I would like to take the TOPIK Beginner sometime next year if it would be possible so I will be working very hard to achieve that goal :))

And I am currently working on my grammar instead of vocabulary!! I put a list of all the verb endings in my Anki here [click here] Grammar Lexicon =)

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