No pressure – its all cool and good

well for me I am just taking it slow with the textbook Complete Guide to TOPIK (Basic) everyday reading (ummh well not everyday but most days hehe, I admit this!)


Right now I’m actually reading “Part 2” of the book which is a series of the different types of questions asked in the TOPIK exam and the reading exercises which I actually enjoy to bits ^^ together with the listening exercises that the CD has – oh I love those CDs hehe.

Amazingly I don’t feel like its too bad when I am studying with the textbook but I am not going to make like its all roses so here comes the truth ~ I am having a killer hard time when it comes to writing essays (쓰기 section) it’s my weakness so in time it’s something that is going to feature a lot on the blog, writing in large quantities not just 4 lines of random Korean. Real stuff, content with length. It seems like it will greatly improve my Korean ability.

Korean manhwa : 슬픈연가 만화 재미있네요 (*^_^*) 《I LOVE IT》


What I am loving so far about reading this manhwa boom apart form the fact it’s based on the first drama I ever watched is that sometimes I pages are a real challenge for me and sometimes I’m like “ cool I just read that and didn’t look up one word!” it’s just so cool ~ it means I am understanding what I am reading.

Which is one hell of an AWESOME feeling to have ^_^

I do get sad moments when I don’t even know the grammar being used (only happened once so far!) but that once it took me a while to figure out one sentence because the grammar was basically what defined the meaning ^^ no big deal though, I know it now 😀

PS This morning on my instagram I posted that I was giving myself a challenge xD see how long it takes me to read this book ~ I saw one month (:

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