I don’t handle my problems well. I always feel like i am helpless when something happens. I can’t breathe. I always think of things I shouldn’t think of, I try and be strong but after a while trying to cut off my emotions because almost impossible. I break down eventually. Makes me feel weak. Like I can’t handle life.

I haven’t felt like this in so long I don’t know how to handle it……………………

I think things that someone should never think………..

I just……….


  1. I know that feeling all too well- that flood of whats going on and what to do and all the confusion and pain on top of it. I’ve been having a mid-life crisis at the age of 20 (wth I thought it wouldn’t be until late 20s or something). You can pull through it and where there’s a will- there’s a way. ⊂(^ω^)⊃

    1. It all comes at once no warming – if all this stuff just gave me a warning I could figure it all out before it gets here. True where there is a will there is a way. I have a will so I have a way. Hope you get through your stuff too,
      thanks (:

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