And the winning hour went to – “When I finally did some study”

Well  I am glad I got that done ^^ after last night when I was coughing every 10seconds ~ I was as tired as it gets so after a looong overdue nap this afternoon I had the strength in me to study from a textbook.

Actually more like some ‘exercises’ I adore exercises because it helps me reinforce things and honestly first time round I did the exercises but didn’t care if they were right or wrong! It was all irrelevant I was instead posting random sentences on lang-8 and asking friends on Kakao/LINE if my sentences using the ‘learned’ grammar where correct, that’s how I based whether I had a grasp on the grammar or not (:

Totally insane, right? 🙂 also apart from being insane it helps me to justify why I am taking another go at something I already know! HA. I bet you think ‘Oh! So all this girl did today was read stuff she already knew’ 아니라니까!!! I also did 2 lessons of kclass101 lessons >_<  and finally a Level 9 ttmik lesson, it was interesting because I only knew 이상 as a word not as a grammar point so it was a lot of fun figuring it out (I still am confused about it, can’t quite grasp the way to use it but it usually takes me a day to figure it out when its a bit complex! ><)

Oh. one more, I gave myself a migraine by listening to a Chinese podcast in 100% Chinese!! if you are curious then yes I did look like I had seen a ghost it was just so much OMG I wanted to have a view of what I could possibly say in maybe :- 2years? reasonable but then it was very scary/intimidating. Nothing makes me scared when it comes to language though so I am still going to fight on with Chinese.

Ah! I think time for a little record of what I did to today :- 

  • exercises from my textbook 3 pages (it wasn’t much ….;;)
  • kclass101 lessons about (-는 김에) and (-는 중이다) I have to work on the structure and meaning more though ^^
  • read one page of 슬픈연가 story2  (slow day…wow…it was a little tiring today ㅜㅜ)
  • ttmik lesson Level 9 about (-으/느 ㄴ이상) I get the meaning! that’s down but the structure is a little shaky needs work!
  • 100% Chinese podcast : which happened to be killer fast but sort of exciting and intimidating all at once O.o
  • sleep. nah you didn’t need to know that haha.

Its not bad for a few hours in the afternoon (late!) hehe.

well I know I have hours of FREE time tomorrow since I will be leaving home super super early (think 4am!) need to print some transcripts cos I can’t risk taking textbooks with me and having them messed up >< I love them way to much for that. Haha. Overall i think I was alright today most of the things I did was spur of the moment I really had no intentions of studying Korean but when I woke up I was in such a good mood I just thought ‘Hey! Why not’

Before you go, just listen to this #GOT7 Girl’s Girl’s Girl’s

There we go. that made you feel better right? You can thank me now hehe ^^ I am loving this song so sorry I had to share it here. I have come to love everything Bambam – always loved JB (what made me love Bambam was when he asked ‘Mark형 ‘생파’ 뭐에요’ that was adorable haha ㅋㅋ)

Everyone have a good day/night wherever you are. Happy Studying! 🙂

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