A few hours ago I posted that I wanted to complete the second (note : I actually landed up doing the first mock test) and it was informative (one again!)
어휘 & 문법 Section
I hate vocab so I wasn’t looking forward to doing this section ~ the grammar was good! Had no issues with it at all. Even the grammar point I recently posted about (텐데) came up and that made be pretty damn proud I knew it hehehe, read the whole script and understood it ALL.
Sentence that 텐데 came up in : 혼자서 보냈으면 심심했을 텐데…
The unknown words. A few words (like I said) I didn’t know like 퇴근 (get off work) 마리 (counter for fish/ animals) and omg I could not believe I didn’t know a counter for animals I felt so dumb ;; also there was 보통 (usually) and a few others that I can’t remember ㅠ.ㅠ
Overall?! It was a good 1hr of studying and I learnt a few things ^^
Another Great post 축하해요 – for your studying dedication… I spotted a typo: 미리 – means something like ‘beforehand’, the counter for animals is 마리 (새 한 마리 – 1 Bird, 말 두마리 – 2 horses). It is also used in restaurants for things like fried chicken or fish… 🙂
ㅋㅋㅋ 고마워요 *-* 헉. Stupid auto correct thanks for sporting it ^^ I can never forget the definition of 미리 too many dramas have it in titles or something ~ >_<