Well today I was stupid enough to leave my house with no reading material WHAT WAS I THINKING!
난 바보 같은 사람 😛 sometimes I’m just so dumb with things so now when I was sitting in the waiting room I just started typing randomly on my phone ㅎㅎ
None of it made much sense of course but I will post it on my lang-8 much later tonight when I finish typing it and looking up words and words.
힘이 많이 있어요. Seriously I have a lot of energy today or just right now and probably because it’s cold here right now ^^ which is daebak ♡
Side note : my books from twochois will be delivered to my Mums UK address tomorrow so I’m kinda excited that they will be turning up soon ~ then I need to start doing a billion mock exams for my Mathematics and Biology exams coming up 🙂