Slow starting but still a START

After I posted this morning I had nothing to do so I picked up the BIGBANG book and although I have tried many times to read I always fall short on grammar and vocabulary D:

But, anyway decided to pick up where I left off (around page 70) but ummh no I couldn’t so I’m at page 1 again…no not even on page one I’m reading the 추천의 글 at the beginning of the book, starting small and bite sized! In the first small “recommended” I’ve highlighted 8 words (11 in total) I had already highlighted some thing last year (2013) it seems so something was happening.

Reading 세상에 너를 소리쳐!

I’ve clearly decided to give the 슬픈연가 books a little break too much dialect it in them, I love them but I hate them because of the difficulty level ^^;; mixed emotions toward them.

Back to the reading and highlighting, since like I said I can’t look up words too freely I’m highlighting all I don’t know then later on today when I get home connecting to WiFi IMMEDIATELY and filling my vocab book with all these words 🙂

For now I’m getting very very sun burnt ㅠ.ㅠ

Hours and hours later! then study time because tomorrow I need to leave the house Dx but everything looks like I will be enjoying BB Autobiography so yeah.


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