Today. Ah where can I begin on today?
So I have that exam on the 30th (mathematics) but today I didn’t bother to study with past papers at all I just felt like doing NOTHING!!!
and I did that most of the day – yeah my mum did my hair which was a while but then after that I could have studied with past papers and done a few mock exams but instead I found it far more interesting to sit and watch listen to Oscar Pistorius testify in his murder trial.
Personally I did break down into tears when he was apologizing to the Steenkamp family for taking their daughters life, and saying there isn’t a day he doesn’t pray for/ and think about them and also how he cant sleep well and all that.
But, then I have been waiting and waiting forever to hear his testimony because its the only way things can really be understood ~ more than beyond HE MURDERED HER.
You know what I mean? But it didn’t really answer any questions court was adjourned because “he does look exhausted. He sounds exhausted” the judges words (:
Blah.blah.blah sure you’re tired of reading about #OscarPustorius hehe but I just enjoy keeping up with the case its like a soap opera u need to know what happens next 😛
Other stuff. Didn’t study Korean either lolol haha I didn’t even try I think I’ve overloaded my brain what with the Ewha and Yonsei ~~☆ will take a little break – ah no I’m lying I’m just being a lazy couch potato for today tomorrow I’ll study more aka : exams and Korean 😀
Feel tired now xD ~ and this post was a pointless waste of bloody time but hey like I said being a lazy couch potatoe and couch potatoes do silly things (:
bye …bye 🙂