Yesterday my Mum and Dad were out of the city the whooole day ~ 🙂 can you imagine from 5am to 5pm my time was mine on a Sunday ㅋㅋㅋ
So I took advantage of it and watched several episodes (well the available ones!) of a drama I had been looking forward to without being interrupted and I watched an amazing movie and if u have liked my Facebook page then you know what I watched and u also know that I’m writing a post (almost done! Just need to add pictures) then I’ll post that. (:
I have another movie I would like to watch today but time seems to be limited from the very second I woke up ): so I assume its a NO on the movie pfft
Wondering if anyone has some interesting movie recommendations for me? If u do please share I’d appreciate that a lot ^___^
Again. A Korean learning blog needs a Korean update ㅎㅎㅎ
I had said I wanted to get to Chapter 5 of Yonsei Reading, you remember? Well I didn’t get to chapter 5 (sadly but I’m not disappointed at all!) I did however get to Chapter 2/ sort of midway and I’ll be taking the book with me (despite massive size) and answering and reading questions etc…!
(When time permits)
Then. Today on a non-Korean matter I have a maths lesson to help with the exam on Wednesday (30th) boy times been moving faster than I would like…need more hours in a day and days in a week hehehe.
(HAVE A GOOD DAY) ♥♥ and Happy Monday (urm?)
X.x. bye. 사진 없어서 미안해요. 시간 없는데요.
Have you watched the movie 내 머리속의 지우개(English title: A moment to remember)? If not,
Nope not yet, but I’m watching it tonight it looks really nice but is it sad because the intro write-up sounded a bit sad? 🙂 thanks for the recommendation and if u think I will lke another one please go ahead and tell me I’m loving k-movies these days huhu
I saw on your twitter that you were watching 갑동이… Did you like it? I’m loving it! ♥ I was thinking on writing a post about 갑동이 and another drama that I’m watching, called ‘마녀의 연애’. Did you watch it? 🙂
So far? I’m loving it and i think I’m going to make it to the end haha i have a Lee Joon bias (hardcore here) but overall its amazing hehe ^^ I was thinking the same thing about writing a post and no I havent seen it but it kept popping up the name on my raws 🙁 will watch it? is it good? ^^ and idk you were on Twitter? what is your username? 🙂
OMG, you’re a Lee Joon biased too?? Seroiusly, I love that guy ♥ I cried my eyes out when I first met him in person (MBLAQ came to my country once), and I pretty much remember this moment every single day ♥ 마녀의 연애 is a comedy drama, it’s good to relax and laugh ^^ I’m @_JHorse on twitter, but I only talk in Portuguese there, so I guess you won’t understand what I say 🙁