Epik High! Some Babbling about Epik High!

Hey all no time to study Korean! But loads of time for Epik High ㅋㅋㅋ

So have I been an Epik High fan for long? No! I’m usually not into K-Rap or anything like it (unless its TOP,GD,Zelo,Yong Guk or JR (of NU’EST) other than that I’m a fluffy K-Pop girl (: actually originally when I started listening to K-Pop and heard some stuff by TABLO I was not really fond of it now when I hear something new about TABLO I’m all like ‘OMG! Oppa wae please stop don’t do this to me your voice is killing me’ yeah I’m that bad (:

And I just recently became a TABLO fan when I heard G-Dragons ‘Light it Up’ which is just 대박 in every sense of the word I tried to Anki that song! But it didn’t really work out (:

But anyway its Epik High a Korean friend of mine asked me what kind of singers/groups I listened to and I listed the usual | 2NE1 ; U-Kiss ; Big Bang ; FT Island ; Secret ; Block B ; SHINee ; EXO-M/K ; Infinite ; B.A.P ; Zelo ; NU’EST ; SUJU | TABLO ; TOP ;

Then she asked if I really liked TABLO then I answered back ‘Yeah he’s awesome I LOVE everything he sings’ then she asked me if I had ever heard of Epik High then I told her I had and I had only listened to one song that I LOVED ‘One’ I do love that song heard back in 2009 but its awesome its the only song (apart from Haru Haru) that over time I have not gotten tired of and left it behind in the years its always in my playlist (:

But after hearing Epik Highs ‘One’ in 2009 I never bothered to listen to anything Epik High just thought ‘This song was great the group not so much’ but then now they have released they 7th Album!!!! (: (: YAY! And I have listened to it just because I was curious and WOW! it is awesome better than anything I have ever listened to that is K-Rap and the title track with Park Bom (who I am totally crazy for I love that girl she is awesome!) called ‘UP’ is just great! Seriously its my new ringtone (no maybe next week it will be but its still awesome)

Now some Music Videos so you can take a break from your Korean study and just enjoy some Music! (:

Bang Yong Guk and Zelo ‘Never Give Up’ ….this song is so cute wish I went to school with Zelo ;( *noona sobs* Noona loves Zelo so that’s why she put him here!!



Epik High ‘UP’ …yess!! the point of the post telling you all how awesome the song is well here’s the MV to top it all of (: and really Park Bom’s voice is really uplifting to the song!



BAP ‘하지마’ seriously can they stop LOL when I was watching the MV I was like ‘BAP ..Blonde and Pretty’ then I saw Yong Guk’s tail then I was just like ‘OMG OMG OMG! can this get more awesome this MV really is awesome best of BAP for me better than POWER or CRASH this is just the cute side I’ve been waiting for (:



All the Music videos are from their official channels!


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