Today I picked up two interesting books at a second-hand book store.
I was out with my mum and and after she had bought about (what seemed to me) like a ton of different colour/scented bath salts she randomly mentioned to me “Kay, there is a second-hand book place upstairs! Go check it out” I was like awesome, I knew long long ago that there was a second-hand bookshop up there because my dad was always there during weekends, but, I didn’t know it was still there ^^
Happy it’s still there! 🙂
Made my way up the stairs and I was just thinking this to myself :
Kay : Hmm, wonder if maybe I will find some Korean stuff? Ya think? Nah probably not ㅠㅠ
Kay : omg. like what if you find something like a super cheap k-novel hehe that would be cool huh ….
then because now I was a little lost going down the corridor I was thinking :
Kay : omg. what if someone kidnaps me and then kills me? :/
Kay : oh no. what if I fall over this railing ….I’m gonna die eek.
I need some friends if I do this in my head, right! ^^ haha.
Anyway, the books I bought like the title says was one French novel because it was cute, and I could read the title, also, because my sister forced me to watch the animation about a month and a half ago so it was Stockholm syndrome buying D: she tortured me with two of these movies and now I seem to have an attachment >.<
The second, however, is something a bit more related to Korean, or no not Korean but just language in general! An Introduction to Sociolinguistics I’ve read a few pages and I really like it (: will talk about it more in another post.
More pictures below, it really was a total bargain at just 21$ for both (Novel $6 and Linguistics book $15) << this is US$ because Zimbabwe uses the United States $ as its main currency and I’m saying this because of a very dumb comment someone made to me in Kakao, so said person can stop making moronic comments k? Good now

Wrote that about 3hours ago and now sitting with the Sociolinguistic book ^^ and waiting till the Oscar Pistorius highlights start :DD loving the book so far, but I got a painful, and very deep paper cut from it a while ago ouch ㅠㅠ 아퍼
I find the 2nd book expensive. Is it hardback?
Really? If I bought it on Amazon + shipping it would cost almost 3 times that amount ㅠㅠ and no its paperback but brilliant quality :DD
ooh do you speak French as well? In any case, I love book shopping ^_^ Enjoy the books!
a tiny, tiny little but xD well honestly just enough to read the title and 3 lines of the synopsis at the back of the book ^^ and me too even if I’m not going to use them I’ll still purchase them ㅋㅋㅋ thanks I’ll use them well …