Hehe. Hey everyone.

I know that’s a very weird title!! >.< anyway I’ve now totally fallen inlove with the idea that I am learning to draw. Again, I’m teaching myself (mmm, this seems to be a trend with me lolol) – and so far I’m having fun which like Bennie said “is the most important rule in drawing”  – plus I have the other few important things needed to continue with learning anything.

1. I have motivation. A dream of being able to draw better. 

2. I also have confidence in myself to keep at it (: 

Those are enough aren’t they? They’ve done it for langauge, and not much else but still, they kept me on Korean for *hand count* pushing 3 years now.

But…..back to Korean matters (like its a meeting or something lol! >.<)

Yesterday I was studying with Yonsei reading till Chapter 4 – then after that it was time to 확인 my understanding with exercices, which required some reading of the question. Did it all, I  확인ed and got only one wrong. I got the 1st question wrong because I didn’t actually understand what they wanted me to do ?????

Simply put I was confused out of my freaking mind. heh. 


I’ll read the 1st question again after I’ve had some rest, and just generally relaxed!!!! >.< I’ll move onto Chapter 5 though….which is where the 게임 시작 comes in. Since I’m starting after a long 4 chapters (but they were fun) also later on today I’ll make a list of all the words I didn’t know that I came across during chapters 1-4 ;; might not be useful to anyone but it’s fun right ?

annyeong (oooh I never use romanization, hate it, but it looks cute there so I’ll leave it lol) <3

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