I kinda assume that if you know me, maybe followed my blog for a while, and finally are into Korean you can decipher that title. Hehe. Let me help you.

1. I’m obsessed with Jung Yonghwa on a level that is bordering sad >.< 

2. If you’re into Korean stuff (you’re here so u must be) then you must know he’s in a new saeguk drama. 

3. You may or may not know this but I’ve never watched a saeguk to the end :/ 

4. But here is an odd point. I’ve always watched a Jung Yonghwa drama to the END. Never skip, never complain. 

Put simply, if it’s 정용화 I 1. Know about it and if I don’t that’s a mortal sin punishable by taking my 정용화 collection away from me hehe, and 2. Always love everything he’s in!

Intro over.

TTM talk is just me telling you these few things. About the drama 삼총사 (The Three Musketeers) 😀

1. OMG. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine him so 멋있다. I mean I knew he had it but it’s never been like this in drama /omg

2. He was swinging a sword at bad guys, he used a freaking bow and arrow with that 섹시/serious face and all urgh kill me now, it was amazing. 

3. He cried when he found out he didn’t have a chance with his childhood sweetheart aww 울지마 달향아 ㅠ.ㅠ that was so cute and sad all at the same time (mm I cried too 오오) 

4. He looks so adorably innocent in the first scenes, aww, killed me with cuteness!

I’m now wishing for two things. Which means it’ll never happen but here it goes ……out there for my wishes to be known (:

1. I want a 영상 만화 for 삼총사 it would be 3 volumes since it’s three seasons (?) I hope xD 

2. I want a 삼총사 소설 to be released, this is the highest possibility and I love the thought since I’ve noticed that tVN does do drama novels (think 응답하라1997/ 1994) so hoping it gets a novel!!!! I’ll buy them instantly xD 

x.x.x Kirsti </3 

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