It Might Be Redundant

Lately I’m picking up more hobbies/interests. Especially stuff I really did think was “my style” per se, and I’m kind of excited I’m picking up new habits, and stuff like that~!!

Stuff I’m not even good at – those kinds of things are the things I’m really getting into, I like the idea of “new” stuff to me.

This seems really cryptic and all lol ~ ^^ 

My new habits/interests might start costing me my parents more money, don’t think they’d be happy about it, but I will, cos I’ll have a tonne of other different stuff to do xP ~

Still have a lot of different techniques to learn to become kinda “able” in any of the stuff I’m into these days.

Don’t worry (~like you even were worrying haha) I’m still hardcore into Korean/ and languages in general. BUT more Korean and a subtle interest in Japanese (~no serious commitment yet…that’ll come one day)

Also, just in case you didn’t notice this, I changed my theme (again..) back to the one I had earlier this year, the blue was giving me a headache, I liked the typography but everything else was very “un-me-like” if you know what I mean. I JUST STOPPED LIKING IT. period.


New adventures begins. And it starts with new purchases :p



Note : I am reading my new grammar book, and my manhwa novel diligently when I have the time xD I just haven’t been as good in my note-writing lately. Hmm. I’m sad about that,  but it’s mostly because my wrist is giving me trouble, and after note-taking with other (eg. schoolwork) my hands just don’t wanna take anymore notes (:

They’ll recover with time….I hope.


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