Feels like the first day.

Today feels like the first time in years I’ve studied Korean. I could even go so far as saying it feels like the very very first time I studied Korean — the day(s) I learned Hangeul!!!

That excitement — and dare I say, pressure sort of, I’m not sure how to describe it, but the feeling that you might fail at this, being Korean. I have been feeling like that with my grammar/vocab/skills ; practically everything if I’m honest with y’all.


But while being sucky it also helps me to remember that I really love this language ~ and when I perceive myself as doing badly it has a negative output on me. Longterm. I get all “unhappy” about my progress, which I’m certain every language learner knows exactly how to relate to, and you guys know it’s hard to describe that feeling you get when you “aren’t doing as well as you want to”

All at the same time it’s like stars in the sky at night — although it’s dark out, and you feel like you won’t be able to find your way, the sparkle of stars keeps a smile on your face, and in that split second, that one moment when the star twinkles and catches your eye you know, and you know it deep down inside that its all really something special, and it’ll all be worth the stumbles in the dark to get to the twinkling STARS in the sky ~!!!

It’s the only words I can use to describe this — I hope it makes sense to y’all 🙂

I’m really awful at analogies, and stories of explanation but this should help you get the just of it all 🙂

Today I’ll be walking in the dark waiting for the glimmer of twinkling stars in the sky ♥ (^^) language learning is no fun without cute analogies and stuff xD

/ ps : it’s actually the first free day I have, as in the entire day is 100% mine and mine alone. Work ain’t got nothing on me (I used “ain’t” haha)


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