It’s been so long since I did a grammar post I had to just check the date, so long I couldn’t remember :/
They’ll be way more of these in the next months, since I have sooooooo much to catch up on. (I admit my sloppiness)
So this grammar is a TOPIK5 (former? now I think just Intermediate) level grammar, and I had never seen it before, not even in my readings so I was really confused as to what it could mean, since I had never seen any context with it before. But quick learner me picked it up really well, I think, with exercises and GOOGLE I soon knew exactly what it was all about.
I did notice though that there was very little online, except for a French site I found, which provided nothing but 2 sample sentences (with the -기는 하지만) and one sample sentence with the -기는 -지만 variation! That’s all I could find. I tried to search as the keyboard warrior I am, but that kinda bombed on me so I just decided to hit my dictionaries and textbooks, speaking of textbooks I need new ones the ones I have are wayyy too comfy for me! Like warm clothes, I need to fight the cold.
Onto the grammar, finally.
-기는 하지만 / -기는 -지만
Usage is :- this express is used to contrast a verb/ or adjective. By recognizing the first clause (eg. 사랑) you can now use the expression to express a different opinion or view of the sentence subject. Like the example word I’m using is “사랑” so we could say : 사랑하기는 사랑하지만 이렇게 못 살아요.
I don’t find it the most versatile of expressions. I think its almost useless because you can convey the same message without the whole run-around that you get with this one. And, well, when you are trying to say something in a foreign language you want to be able to do it as quick as possible. Without any major brain-damage ㅋㅋㅋ
But, its still a good patter to know, well, if you want to be fluent in a language you have to know practically everything right? It doesn’t hurt, no learning is a waste of time guys ^^
A few more sentences for illustration purposes <3
1) 예쁜 신발을 많이 보기는 했지만 다 비싸서 하나도 못 샀어요.
2) 어제 친구랑 본 영화는 재미있기는 재미있지만 잠들었어요.
3) 사랑하기는 사랑하지만 이렇게는 못 살아요.
That should be a little more helpful! ^^
Merry Christmas Everyone 😀
Hope you enjoy this grammar post 😀 Merry Christmas! ^^