Hey guys ^^ well I was horrible with keeping up with updates from my February challenge (monthly goals is ma new thang) ~ and I did reasonably well in 19 days …not even a whole month.

So a whole month? That should really turn out well :3

Previous Goal = 54 pages of 세상에 너를 소리쳐! and sadly didn’t complete the 54 pages however I did complete *drum roll please* 37 pages. It’s  just 17 pages short of my goal. And I am truly proud I was able to do that much, I won’t bash my efforts. I will praise myself for even managing that. That book is NOT easy.


And honestly, as un-motivating as this is going to sound I will still say it to everyone who owns this book, unless you got die-hard spirit and know a billion knocks that you will recieve when reading this book won’t hurt how you view your learning journy then read it, but if you feel like you can’t handle the fact that it may feel like you know nothing but grammar, and resulting in you feeling like its a waste of your time learning and not LEARNING enough then please don’t read it. Go for something easier.

I’m tough. So I took it well ? I think. I will assume, I’m still here and waiting for another month to have a challenge ㅋㅋㅋ  so I must have taken it in my stride.

Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it, actually the difficulty level actually makes me love what I achieved even more. And my reward? No. It wasn’t Korean, okay, a part of it was but that hasn’t arrived yet haha &  a Heart Rate Monitor. In pink.

Cha-ching :3 say whatttt???? 😀

totally irrelevant to this blog but I'm working out more these days. I'm apparently too fat for my height of 159cm *yeah I'm short* lol
totally irrelevant to this blog but I’m working out more these days. I’m apparently too fat for my height of 159cm *yeah I’m short* lol

Seemed like a fitting reward for myself ^^ and the two books I ordered online, and yes, I ordered another novel, really loving the “novels” these days I have ordered about 3 haha. I want to keep reading, and the challenge actually made me see reading as such an enjoyable activity. And I know u must be thinking how can I say I only saw that now, but what I mean is, reading Korean novels — and trying to understand them!

You know the process. The stages that take you from looking up every second word on page one to every 5/6 word on page 10. I love that. It’s so amazing.

I think this will be a good year for Korean and hopefully moi <3


I also have 24hours to finish these books. And I don’t have a problem with it, because I have been using them consistently since I said on Instagram that I needed to end my war with them. Yes, war, its been taking me a while and since they aren’t too hard for me I find it boring as hell to even get to the end.

But I have been pushing myself to do them when I get to bed, instead of just lying in bed staring at my ceiling and listening to a bunch of birds who make weird noises by my window wondering what their problem is, I decided I would just make notes and use these two. And I take about 1hr to fall asleep so I use them for about 25/30min a night.

Cool huh? I think its alright.

if u think I can find a better method of getting myself to use them then ⇩⇩comment below and let moi know⇩⇩ please. And methods for lazy people, because I am just too lazy, I know its tmi but I sometimes think of using them when I take a bath if it wasn’t for the risk of getting them wet. :/

Wanna see my rubbish notes? I will be too embarrassed to ever make such horrible notes again if I know just one person has seen them so here….look at my untidy notes. I will make better ones.  /hiding in shame/ 







March Language Goals

Time for the March language goals yay! ^^

– I plan to use my topik vocab book. It’s kinda fun and I am enjoy it, but its pretty thick so a whole months challenge shall be devoted to it. Luckily March is a real month so thankfully I have 31 days to work with it ^^ 

– read a little more. I will switch from the Big Bang book to something a little easier to accommodate the other stuff I will be doing. I haven’t decided to what yet though. It can’t be too time consuming. 

– talk more. I keep stressing on the writing but if I can talk then I can write, and I think I can grasp talking faster, I have been told I never shut up. hahaha. ^^ 

– buy one Japanese textbook. If some kind soul could link me to a good beginner textbook, I found Genki and plan on buying it maybe next week or something, I don’t know because I am also eyeing a few Korean things. 

– frequent updates. Recently because I was too tired most days to write posts and also wasn’t the happiest bunny I did stick to Instagram more than here which sucks but I will try to post updates here. And more stuff, other than “this is what I did today” haha. ^^ seems like a good plan? hey. 


This months challenge book. Also this is my version of Picture Art. I played with filters and grains and came to this.  I added some weird grainy thing, and it created those little bumps and grainy-ness (?) you see. Which I totally love. What do you think? :3

Good luck with this month everyone. 여러분 행운을 빌어고 좋은 월 보내세요.


Kirsten ✿


  1. I’m looking for something to help me study for the intermediate TOPIK but I can’t seem to figure out which book will actually help, especially since most of the books are now for the old format… any suggestions?

    1. Hi. I havent really looked at too many options for the new topik. I actually only know of the 빈도별 토픽 intermediate one its yellow/orange and i know its for the new format and it looks good. I actually am planning on getting it. Thats all i really know 🙁 not much. I dont think there is a lot for the new setup yet. Tbh. 🙂 hope it helps.

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