Honestly just going to tell you how amazing 이화 2-1 workbook is. I am halfway through omg. And I love it. I am learning so much it makes me so happy *smile* 🙂
I also find the workbook more useful, in my eyes, it just seems like I am learning more from the textbook, but that probably isn’t the case. Probably seems that way because what I learnt in the student book is being tested in the workbook, and because I studied I remember a lot.
Plus. There is extra content, I am loving the writing and reading section.
Its weird because usually I hate filling out the questions (?) section in a workbook, its tiring, but this one because it isn’t teacher-student driven but more “do it yourself from what you learned in the student book” I feel like I am completing all exercises and enjoying it too.
Korean Notebook – Korean self-study blog ~
The visible difference between Yonsei and Ewha for me. But I still love them both 🙂 although I am not planning on buying Yonsei anytime soon, maybe when I can use Level 5 & 6 I will probably buy those levels but till then…no…!! ^^
Although I don’t actually own a Yonsei workbook, I should buy one to test it out. <del> I think I will</del>
Ewha books are most definitely on the cards. I want the whole series now.
Time to watch Girls Generation concert DVDs now xD then back to reading <strong>A Geek in Korea ~ </strong>that book is seriously grabbing me in. In an entertaining way <3 and I love to be entertained while being taught something so this is a win win for me <3
xoxo ~ hope everyone enjoys their Sunday