1. Opps I just made some mistake…
    I think you should follow passioninseoul.wordpress.com (this is about my korean learning journey)
    alittleparfait.wordpress.com is in Thai (which I think you may not understand…)

    1. No ^^ I don’t understand Thai at all 🙂 thank you for telling me I am now following Passion in Seoul and added it to my Korean learners list 🙂 Nice to meet you by the way ^^

  2. Hi! I think it should be 오늘은 날씨가 너무 좋아요, not 좋아해요. Have you ever used Lang-8? You can ask for correction for free from native Korean there. I usually get my answer within 2 hours.

    1. Hi! Thank you for your comment and correcting me ^^ and no I’ve never used Lang-8 I will now go Google it and see what it is ^^

      Thanks again for correcting me ^^ always get confused between 좋아해요 and 좋아요.

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